Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

. . . . . . . . .I stopped by a friend's house last night and his outdoor crop came through the recent cold snap just fine and they're looking really nice!

Hope everyone is having a good fall!
Judging from the veggies in my raised beds, some of my newer remote gardens are lost. A couple three more a little higher up the hill might have made it. Everything else is on the sandhill end of the farm so only has to worry about the usual dangers.
Beware, because of the wildfires the soil won't hold much rain and it will create real potential for flash floods.
Yeah, fall floods are a real threat in the fire zones of which there are too many, but I was joking about our "floods". Been a long time since we had a heavy rain and next week it's supposed to hit the mid 90s again. I used to like the climate here.
Fall is supposed to get here today in the form of a cold front. It was 71F earlier, now it's 69F and cloudy (has been misting on me a little). Forecast of 71/52F with 90% chance of rain today, 10% tonight and tomorrow.

The river did fall out about a foot a day as advertised. It's 7 & 1/2 feet below the crest. I put up the boat and walked in night before last. It was less than knee deep at the deepest point on the driveway. Should be able to drive in today or tomorrow. Everything smells like fish. We will need a few good rains to wash all the mud away.
Fall is supposed to get here today in the form of a cold front. It was 71F earlier, now it's 69F and cloudy (has been misting on me a little). Forecast of 71/52F with 90% chance of rain today, 10% tonight and tomorrow.

The river did fall out about a foot a day as advertised. It's 7 & 1/2 feet below the crest. I put up the boat and walked in night before last. It was less than knee deep at the deepest point on the driveway. Should be able to drive in today or tomorrow. Everything smells like fish. We will need a few good rains to wash all the mud away.
Hope you didn't suffer too much damage. Floods are the worst.
Really nice day here. I haven't seen this much blue sky in ages. We got down to 52F. It's sunny, 75F now. Forecast of 76/53F with no chance of rain for the next few days.
Forecast mid 80s low 50s full sun with a little California wildfire smoke. Like the sun but praying for rain all up and the west coast.
End of the water year today. Klamath Falls, Medford and Mt Shasta received about 50% of average for the rain year. And we're starting off the new water year with nary a drop in sight.
End of the water year today. Klamath Falls, Medford and Mt Shasta received about 50% of average for the rain year. And we're starting off the new water year with nary a drop in sight.
I understand this is going to be a trend going forward with climate change.
Another nice day. Our low was 53F. Now it's sunny, 62F. Forecast of 82/55F with no chance of rain. My rough outline of the day is to mow one charge worth down at the graveyard, then decide from there.
Croptober in Southern Ontario, is looking decent minus some rain and low night Temps in the forecast.
This week a few days with rain and low night Temps
Next week temps go up but still rain

Bud rot season is upon us up here lets pray for good yields
Burrr. We got down to 48F this morning. It's sunny and 52F now. Forecast of 76/56F with no chance of rain. Should finish mowing the graveyard this morning. (I always plan to get back out after I charge the battery, but most days I only cut one charge worth)

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Shit got smoky around here the last couple days. I have a hitch in my throat that won't go away. Other than the world burning tho, the weather's fine!
We are in line for more tropical bs later in the week. Delta has gone from a TD to Cat 2 in 24 hours. Not a good sign. But for now, it's cloudy and 68F. Forecast of 89/61F with 20% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow. My 10 day only has 3 days of thunderstorms forecast, and none over 1/2" per day. If that holds true, I'll be happy. But if the path moves a little east like Sally did, we could be right back in it.
