Minimum Specs

How ya' doin Fella's!?

I'm not new to the theory, in fact if you count all the little "budd"ies my parents killed off I'd be a pro at this point, but since I never got past two pot looking leaves and two bean looking leaves I guess you'd call me a newb

Right now I'm looking for the most compact set up I can go with, mostly DIY to cut down on costs. Now I'm sure that the container I have on hand is WORTHLESS, but it would be cool: It's an old army ammo crate, the deminsions inside are about 2 ft tall by 1 foot wide by 1 foot deep, question is can I do anything with it?

If not, what would you guys:

a.) Say would be minimum specifications to get about an ounce of some goodies and

b.) say that the chance for someone who hypothetically used these directions to grow the herb has of getting caught. I mean, surely a lot of you live in the USA and still continue this hobby, so there have got to be a few people with some pointers.

Since the area I use is used mostly for brewing home made beer (which I intend to use for all the CO2 it's worth, thank you) no one really messes with it, but stealth is critical until I get out of my current living situation (not living WITH my parents, just REALLY close, the kind of close that warrents a dropping by with out a damn phone call (DAMN YOU OLD MAN!!)

I look forward to hearing any of your advice, and I thank you all in advance. Also if I can say, I love these boards, you guys are so much into helping the new people rather than flaming them like so many other places, it's refreshing to think that someone (potheads) got it right, that the net was meant to exchange information and not insults. Anyways, Thanks a Million and don't let'em work you too hard.:weed:


Well-Known Member
How ya' doin Fella's!?

I'm not new to the theory, in fact if you count all the little "budd"ies my parents killed off I'd be a pro at this point, but since I never got past two pot looking leaves and two bean looking leaves I guess you'd call me a newb

Right now I'm looking for the most compact set up I can go with, mostly DIY to cut down on costs. Now I'm sure that the container I have on hand is WORTHLESS, but it would be cool: It's an old army ammo crate, the deminsions inside are about 2 ft tall by 1 foot wide by 1 foot deep, question is can I do anything with it?

If not, what would you guys:

a.) Say would be minimum specifications to get about an ounce of some goodies and

b.) say that the chance for someone who hypothetically used these directions to grow the herb has of getting caught. I mean, surely a lot of you live in the USA and still continue this hobby, so there have got to be a few people with some pointers.

Since the area I use is used mostly for brewing home made beer (which I intend to use for all the CO2 it's worth, thank you) no one really messes with it, but stealth is critical until I get out of my current living situation (not living WITH my parents, just REALLY close, the kind of close that warrents a dropping by with out a damn phone call (DAMN YOU OLD MAN!!)

I look forward to hearing any of your advice, and I thank you all in advance. Also if I can say, I love these boards, you guys are so much into helping the new people rather than flaming them like so many other places, it's refreshing to think that someone (potheads) got it right, that the net was meant to exchange information and not insults. Anyways, Thanks a Million and don't let'em work you too hard.:weed:
Light, sound and smell will be your main concerns here. To get an ounce you'll probably want about 60-80watts (that's a .46g/watt ratio) and maybe a 2x2x3' grow space. I like that you've already got the co2 in mind, that will help if you can somehow get it to the growbox discretely. Pick an object that looks like it belongs where you are going to put it, and be sure that you can lock it(in place and from being opened). Hollow it out, install your lights, and make it locked & lightproof. 60-80 watts will generate enough heat to need some way of exhausting the air (probably thru a filter for the smell). try and find an extremely quiet fan or use an object that makes noise so no one notices it. I'd say grow two short female plants, so plant 4 seeds in total. for the smell try and buy OnaAir/gel, it's used in sanitation facilities to cover the smell... it should work for your grow, but the more ways to purify your air the better.
Well that's all I got, keep me posted on how it goes for ya!:peace:
Thanks COGOGROW, I didn't know if anyone would ever reply! Unfortunately I had a good long look at the laws in my state: First time you get popped doing this it's 4 to 6 years in the state pen, so I'm REALLY re-thinking my position on a grow. In the mean time I've devoted a lot of time and bag money to helping my local NORML chapter pass some much needed legislation down here, hopefully at least get "Low Prority" status or something. To the rest of you brave enough to carry on, I salute you. Later.


Well-Known Member
No problem! glad to see people participating in their local NORML chapters. keep on pressing! I'm sure one day you'll be able to do it