The air stones are running, but there is no roots in the water. How do I fix this until I get a new pump, if this is what the issue is?
do I water through sprayer? If so, do I add nutrients (how much) and how many times do I spray them since they are in a rapid rooter?
I may be wrong but from what I can see your seeds haven’t even popped?
If this is the case you don’t need the pump. Heck, you shouldn’t even have them in there under lights yet. All that’s gonna do is dry out those rooters faster.
They don’t even need the pump until you’re seeing roots.
A seed has enough nutes in it to provide for the sprout until it opens up and shows its cotyledons. So plain water right now. All I would add at this point is maybe some bennies to get some “mikes” growing on the roots early on.
Really until they pop you could keep them in a humidity done with heat pad. Put them in the tent in the hydroton once the cotyledon opens.
At this point (once they pop and open) I’d take same RO water, cal-mag it to about .3 EC (150 ppm on the 500 scale) and some basic one part nute like Megacrop or Jacks to about .7 EC. (350 ppm on the 500 scale) and water that in.
You don’t need pumps at this point.
Water that in a once a day. Once it needs more than once a day (rooter dries), throw the pump on it.
Now, once you get your first or second set of true leaves you’ll want to bump up to 1.0 EC ish.
Carry this on, most likely your going to ramp up quick here to around 1.6 EC to prevent yellowing at the bottom. The plants going to need nitrogen, just don’t overdo it. Watch the amount of green.
From here you should have it licked.