What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
The democrat's are competitive in 13 republican senate races now, winning in some, tied or with in striking distance in others, a democratic senate majority looks very doable. The house is expected to have another 30 to 50 seats for the democrats and they should do well in state elections too. It looks like Donald is fucked and I expect we will either know, or strongly believe he is on election night. The networks call the election, not Trump, as far as the public is concerned and they do it based on county by county results in the states. A delayed result is not an issue, the system was designed when election results were not known for days or weeks, rapid results are a recent thing and started with the telegraph and newspapers in the 19th century.

Donald won't have any luck litigating a landslide, but he will expose every loop hole in the system trying, they will be fixed in short order after he is gone. A lot of Trumper election officials would be taking a Helluva chance fucking with this particular election, if they lose they will be hammered with federal charges and lawsuits. A lot of red states will have lame duck republicans and they are on any ballots they might not want to count too, along with senators and congress people, that would complicate making Donald king tremendously. If Florida goes we should know that night or the next day, if Texas goes, it will be an extinction event for the elephants.


Well-Known Member
This can only be the tip of the iceberg. There's gotta be more to come. We all knew Trump didn't pay taxes. That's kid stuff. Wait for the Russian money laundering to come out. Everybody knows. Many people say. I will tell you. To be frank. ...you know the routine.



Well-Known Member
This can only be the tip of the iceberg. There's gotta be more to come. We all knew Trump didn't pay taxes. That's kid stuff. Wait for the Russian money laundering to come out. Everybody knows. Many people say. I will tell you. To be frank. ...you know the routine.

It took em a couple times to realize that was just $750, I was looking for the thousand to follow it.

I am guessing Trump will be the definition of 'house poor'.


Well-Known Member
Amazing article. It shows how high the stakes are for his re-election no matter what his pet Senators are saying. He loses and he goes to jail until he dies.

Buckle your seatbelts.
Yeah, the things I thought "wouldn't happen in my lifetime" are coming to fruition. Yep, "fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night."
Creepy, coming from Betty Davis.
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Well-Known Member
So with the tax payer funded golf donations to Trump properties, how many hundreds of millions do you think Trump is ahead on tax payer money?

One of the things in his nieces book was how much Trump's dad loved free government.


Well-Known Member
With 37 days until the election and half the country voting now, the stable jenuis timed things perfectly with his plague, now ravaging his base in the red states of the south and Midwest. Machiavelli or moron?
John King: Coronavirus numbers take a turn for the worse

CNN's John King breaks down the latest Covid-19 numbers which show that cases are rising.
Good, let all those Trump supporting fools that didn't heed medical advice/social distancing/face mask rules fucking die (less votes for Trump :) )


Well-Known Member
Good, let all those Trump supporting fools that didn't heed medical advice/social distancing/face mask rules fucking die (less votes for Trump :) )
It's deyz per, pro, par, proggadive, er, wutever. Dey ain't zakly ejumacated, doncha no. Jes' cheer at the end of his rant, wutever he say'd...y'all. Yehaw!