wish i couldve heard that.No I think they just released the security footage.
that's okay; he owns those cops now.
wish i couldve heard that.No I think they just released the security footage.
It's not a few bad apples, the whole barrel is rotten.
California sheriff: Deputy burglarized home after responding to death there
Deputy Steve Hortz was booked into jail on suspicion of burglary and placed on administrative leave.www.nbcnews.com
Get the fuck outta here bitch ass .R u kidding me all he had to do was go inside and ask for management or someone incharge .That would be smart thing to do .Y harass someone who's break no law just picking up garbage .whats about the people on the side of the highway picking up garbage u want they I.D too .DO YOUR HOMEWORK FIRST .good advice. Man, the things your dads have to teach you as kids living in the city huh?
You're right that it's absolutely terrifying that the police have near absolute power over you, but coming from a perspective where I have seen lots of police injustice I support them over the criminals any day. I would rather 10 innocent people get hurt than let 100 criminals get away with what they do.
The second video lost me when it tried to make it about race. We can't know the situation without knowing what had happened there before, whether the area is predominantly white, what is the predominant style of dress, whether they had break ins with someone matching his description or not, etc.
I have had similar happen to me, many of my friends have as well. Once I was arrested on my street outside my house because the police thought I was someone else fleeing from a robbery. Wasted two hours of my time hancuffed sitting in the rain on a curb, but I never escalated things like this guy and the cops were pretty nice about it in the end, they are people just trying to do their jobs after all. IMO the trash guy was in the wrong, 100%. The cop was even right to keep his hand on his gun when dealing with another agitated man, he doesn't know what could happen.
I'm torn on this police interaction too, I mean c'mon, is it that big of a deal to put the damn mask on? I feel like someone that refuses to wear a mask is being really selfish and basically saying FU to the rest of us that do wear masksSo the mask thing is getting stupid. As much as I’m the mask police at work and get totally pissed if someone isn’t wearing it I’m not sure how I feel about this interaction. On one hand it’s an easy thing to do (wear a mask)and I’m thinking this was just another trumper standing up for some asinine right. On the other hand It does seem like there was social distancing happening, was a mask necessary in that situation? We’ve made it mandatory in our downtown core to now wear one and there are fines issued for non compliance BUT they don’t tazer you.
The one thing that the police had said at the end of that statement was that the lady was not removed for not wearing a mask, she was removed for criminal trespassing after refusing to leave when the people that worked there asked her to.So the mask thing is getting stupid. As much as I’m the mask police at work and get totally pissed if someone isn’t wearing it I’m not sure how I feel about this interaction. On one hand it’s an easy thing to do (wear a mask)and I’m thinking this was just another trumper standing up for some asinine right. On the other hand It does seem like there was social distancing happening, was a mask necessary in that situation? We’ve made it mandatory in our downtown core to now wear one and there are fines issued for non compliance BUT they don’t tazer you.
There out there, but I think that there is something pushing to the algorithms to highlight the white women 'Karen' videos.I'm torn on this police interaction too, I mean c'mon, is it that big of a deal to put the damn mask on? I feel like someone that refuses to wear a mask is being really selfish and basically saying FU to the rest of us that do wear masks
Another thing I've noticed about these police and mask videos, is that it always seems like they're singling out women. I've only seen a few videos like that one, but why don't the cops try bullying a man like that? I think that's what's more disturbing to me is that they seem to pick on lone women
It is interesting, I am positive that guy could have snatched that lady up and put her over his shoulder and walked her out if he was willing to take some claws int he face. I am all for a fit police force, and could see it being worthwhile to have a percent of their day dedicated to paid workout time (instead of doing paperwork) and proper nutrition provided (instead of grabbing a burger during their shift).Also a side thought, if someone wants to be a cop, there should be physical standards. The cop in the video Hani posted looks like an overweight slob. How long do you think that cop will last in a physical confrontation before he's winded and ends up getting himself killed because he's out of shape and can't fight longer than 2 minutes?
It's the Karen syndrome on full display in that video. It's not the cops or store personnel that are singling them out, what I think is happening is people are capturing them acting out on their cell phone cameras. Self entitled white bitches aren't used to being called out for inappropriate behavior and they wig out when told they have to follow the rules, same as you and me. I don't know about you but I've been repelled by that type since I was a kid. I've made myself odious to them too.I'm torn on this police interaction too, I mean c'mon, is it that big of a deal to put the damn mask on? I feel like someone that refuses to wear a mask is being really selfish and basically saying FU to the rest of us that do wear masks
Another thing I've noticed about these police and mask videos, is that it always seems like they're singling out women. I've only seen a few videos like that one, but why don't the cops try bullying a man like that? I think that's what's more disturbing to me is that they seem to pick on lone women
Live updates show how this is being enforced:
11:30 a.m., Counter-protesters, Peninsula Park: Dozens of people started to arrive in opposition of the Proud Boys demonstration. Organizers of this event, namely PopMob PDX, have said they do not plan to march to Delta Park nearly three miles away.
Still, as counter-demonstrators started to gather at Peninsula Park, so did Portland police. State, county and local officials have said they will work two keep they groups apart. Multnomah County said officers confiscated a wooden shield from one person at the park. Homemade shields are a common sight at nightly protests organized by leftist groups.
11 a.m., Proud Boys, Delta Park: Several hundred people affiliated with Proud Boys have amassed in the park. Some demonstrators are carrying guns, baseball bats, magazine clips, knives or batons. Militia members armed with different types of weapons are also posted throughout the park. One asked to check the credentials of Oregonian/OregonLive journalists.
There it is again. Officers confiscated a wooden shield from a counter protester while Proud Boys show up armed to the teeth " carrying guns, baseball bats, magazine clips, knives or batons." and even have a person checking press credentials. No mention of police confiscating weapons from fascists. Its infuriating.
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The fact that they felt it was necessary to say 'leftist' is all I need to see to know that you guys have something seriously wrong with your policing out there.
That dude is wearing a body cam too. Dear Leader needs his propaganda to scare the suburbs with, and it looks like Trump's cultists are hoping tonight Trump can get his campaign back on track right in time for the debates on Tuesday. Que up a few mentally impaired homeless people or a few of their goons to dress in black and cause violence or set something on fire and they will get all they want for Trump's next ad.
It is horrible that that lady had to go through that, but you can't help but love her clear headedness to the issue and strength of her response.It's going to be a hot night in Portland. Again.
They have a few more months under Trump's protection. 2021 is when we'll start to take our streets away from fascists menacing the good people of Portland.
I like what one of the leaders in the counter demonstration said:
In May 2017, self-described neo-Nazi Jeremy Christian stabbed three people on the train, killing two of them, a racist incident that rocked the city. The day before, Christian had harassed a Black woman named Demetria Hester on the train. But Hester told police she did not believe police took her claims seriously because of her race.
She said the attacks were a wake-up call, a sign that “white supremacy is just below the surface.”
On Saturday she plans to face off with men she described as racist who believe many of the same things as her attacker. She sees it as a moral obligation.
“This ain’t the first time they’ve come to our town. Or the second, or the third. The whole summer they’ve been here,” Hester said. “We literally run them out — and we have to keep running them away. They’re just out there for destruction, to see what they can cause.
“We have a goal to let them know that we’re not going anywhere and they’re not going to intimidate us.”