Ventilation purpose


Ursus marijanus
As the title says, what’s the purpose of ventilation, is it only to control temp and humidity?
Its principal value lies in keeping metabolic gas (oxygen, carbon dioxide, humidity) levels, both absolute and relative, in a viable, ideally optimal, range for the plant being grown.


Active Member
And to cycle fresh air in
Ty, reason I am asking is because I am about to start an 8’*8’ tent 2.4m*2.4m and I am wondering how I will supplement CO2 while running an extraction fan. I thought if it was only for controlling temp and humidity I can fit in a small portable ac and dehumidifier


Ursus marijanus
Ty, reason I am asking is because I am about to start an 8’*8’ tent 2.4m*2.4m and I am wondering how I will supplement CO2 while running an extraction fan. I thought if it was only for controlling temp and humidity I can fit in a small portable ac and dehumidifier
If you have high rates of air exchange, you should do well. Supplementing co2 only makes sense in more controlled environments than a tent usually provides.


Active Member
If you have high rates of air exchange, you should do well. Supplementing co2 only makes sense in more controlled environments than a tent usually provides.
Will it be beneficial if I turned off the ventilation fans for 3 hours while supplementing co2? And still maintained temp and humidity in those 3 hours


Well-Known Member
i think that's what they tell u to do if use one of them bags, at least that what they said when i was at my local grow store.


Active Member
i think that's what they tell u to do if use one of them bags, at least that what they said when i was at my local grow store.
I’m not the one to ask, sorry.
Tyvm, I’ll keep looking around and see what I can come up with

at some point I thought to get 2 smaller tents 4x8 instead of one 8x8; connect both together and switch the cycles time, so when the light is on in one it off in the other, so whatever co2 the off tent generates goes to the on tent, and whatever O2 the on tent produces goes to the off tent... but I wasn’t sure if it will work


Ursus marijanus
Tyvm, I’ll keep looking around and see what I can come up with

at some point I thought to get 2 smaller tents 4x8 instead of one 8x8; connect both together and switch the cycles time, so when the light is on in one it off in the other, so whatever co2 the off tent generates goes to the on tent, and whatever O2 the on tent produces goes to the off tent... but I wasn’t sure if it will work
There is bound to be some problem I’m not spotting, but thanks for the mind donut.