BotaniGard ES


Well-Known Member
Anyone use and had success with BotaniGard ? So I’ve recently noticed root aphids hanging around in my garden and although I usually would scrap everything and start over . I’m deciding to fight em this time . Being that I only have my mother’s . Any way Anyone out there had luck with this product ? Also your ratio for foliar and drench ..?
My experience so far ... I started using at 10 ml per gallon as a foliar . And using 1 ml per gallon as a root drench . I was told by the reps that it was 1 0Z per gallon . But seems a lil over kill because 5 hours later after a soil drench at 1 ml I had hundred running out pots and dying .. I will keep updated to see how I get rid these fuckers but so far looks like I’m killing them some but idk . Anyone out there with exp or any input on root aphids chime in


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I’ve fought root aphids in a large facility using BotaniGuard, without much success. I’d personally just take cuts and dump all plants and soil out of your space. Botaniguard has to build up on them and is a fungus that grows them. There is a mix that has a light dose of pyrethrum in it, this kills on contact but the chances of hitting all of them is next to impossible. Used Met 52 with some success in a smaller grow.
I’m running 6 lights on movers and 7 6x3 tables in my flower .. my veg is at another spot and being that I’m 3 weeks into flower and the plants look really healthy with infestation just begging I was thinking of trying to save the flower with BotaniGard at every feed ... any one use Bayer or ortho fruit and vegetables
I’m running 6 lights on movers and 7 6x3 tables in my flower .. my veg is at another spot and being that I’m 3 weeks into flower and the plants look really healthy with infestation just begging I was thinking of trying to save the flower with BotaniGard at every feed ... any one use Bayer or ortho fruit and vegetables

the bayer stuff is some gnarly shit but it would absolutely work. It’s systemic and powerful so id use if you’re trying to save your moms or something but it could take many months to be out of the plant tissue I wouldn’t use it on a plant you plan on flowering any time soon.
@Southerner i tried the Bayer tree and shrub at 5ml per gal . It was Good I think ? But I saw some crawling around day after .. yesterday for first time I went full dose on the BotaniGard es and Im checking them in one of my tents at the moment .!! Pulled out plants from cups and pots And all dead along the pots and rim . The few I do see look weak and dying . There stuck everywhere even walls and floors .. I’m guessing the bacteria infesting them? ..well see how it goes ... I will hit full dose another 3 days from now but results seem damn good for first full dose .


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I think I eradicated my root aphid problem !!! On my veg/mom room atleast my flower room however still has them but I’m keeping them at bay with BotaniGard and Venus fly traps for the flyers. BotaniGard es works !! If used diligently and take other precautions like using sand to cover any entry for aphids to crawl into . Venus fly traps seem to be eating up all the flyers


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