Lockdowns work.

Nobody has a right to lock other people down, they only have a right to quarantine themselves or property they own/control.

It's not possible to delegate rights we don't have to other people, therefore the "leader" of New Zealand is abusing people...right on cue.
Really? The restrictions they are currently in to stamp out Covid for a second time seem to be working very well and to me doesn't seem to Hitler'ish..

Auckland region is at Alert Level 2 with extra restrictions
Auckland region is at Alert Level 2, with extra restrictions on social gatherings, funerals and tangihanga.
Auckland restrictions on gatherings, funerals and tangihanga
Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 with no extra restrictions at 11:59pm on Wednesday 23 September.
You will need to wear a face covering when travelling into, from or through Auckland on public transport or aircraft.
Alert Level 2

Rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 1
The rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 1.
You will need to wear a face covering when travelling into, from or through Auckland on public transport or aircraft.
Alert Level 1
Fixed it for you.
Really? The restrictions they are currently in to stamp out Covid for a second time seem to be working very well and to me doesn't seem to Hitler'ish..

Auckland region is at Alert Level 2 with extra restrictions
Auckland region is at Alert Level 2, with extra restrictions on social gatherings, funerals and tangihanga.
Auckland restrictions on gatherings, funerals and tangihanga
Auckland will move to Alert Level 2 with no extra restrictions at 11:59pm on Wednesday 23 September.
You will need to wear a face covering when travelling into, from or through Auckland on public transport or aircraft.
Alert Level 2

Rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 1
The rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 1.
You will need to wear a face covering when travelling into, from or through Auckland on public transport or aircraft.
Alert Level 1

How do you feel about "mandated" vaccinations ? Just curious how obedient you are.
How do you feel about "mandated" vaccinations ? Just curious how obedient you are.
Part of traveling I'm afraid and your very open ended question is off topic. Hard to travel anywhere at the moment with Covid still about.
Interesting topic though you should start a thread.
I can but it’s not where I want to be :(. Weird but I like going to my office every day. 10 years ago I hated work now I love it.
Confirmed to be beyond reasonable communication

Au contraire !

Let's confirm this, I communicated rights that don't exist can't be delegated.

You, nor anyone else around this thread, has communicated anything remotely resembling a coherent argument to refute that. Instead, you default to the idea that a lockdown is an option and somehow the person who issues a lockdown order is entitled to do so, without showing proof of why.

"Lockdowns" don't work, since they aren't "rightful". Lockdowns don't work because they cause more problems than they solve.

The unintended consequences of a lockdown, to battle an imagined pandemic should be calculated even if a coercion based utilitarian policy could be justified. Lockdowns lose on both fronts.
[QUOTE="Lucky Luke, post: 15814414, member: 9296
Part of traveling I'm afraid and your very open ended question is off topic. Hard to travel anywhere at the moment with Covid still about.
Interesting topic though you should start a thread.

No, it's part of traveling when government permission is required. It was hard to travel before the fake pandemic, now it will likely only get harder.

Maybe, you're right, another thread on forced vaccinations would be a good idea. It's not an open ended question though, it's a direct question.
I suspect you don't want to say that you favor forced vaccinations.
Right now, Russia ranks fourth in the world in terms of COVID-19 case count, although the outbreak occurred in Russia later than in many neighboring countries. A possible reason is that Russia has shut down its border with China early.

Got to watch that back door!

Russia got its virus from Europe and not China. Importantly, many early imported COVID-19 cases did not lead to transmission within Russia.