Going to also recommend neemsource products. Their meal product is oily and very volatile. Others I've tried had little to no smell & were drier than sand. Does this affect efficacy? In my mind it does. Haven't used any BaS, so can't attest to their products. Unlike
@Diesel0889 I draw a hard line on neem oil use. None after moving to flower. Neem oil takes around 90 days to fully break down so I don't risk it. If anyone has tasted neem bud you won't forget it. I do; however, add a few spoonfuls of neem meal to my week 2 top dressing. Mostly for a slight N boost and the believed systemic benefit. Neem meal is in my soil from day one too, and I've only had positive results. And yes, Ive run cuttings side by side in differing mixes to test what works & doesn't. At least for me neem meal is a winner.
Friendly fyi, I also use peppermint castle soap as the emulsifier(if needed) and a weak Mag solution(1/2 tsp per liter) as the base for most all my foliar. Sometimes I'll throw in a few drops of lemongrass, rosemary, and eucalyptus oils if needed. Cinnamon(not cassia) gets sprinkled around all my seedlings, clones, and starter cups to reduce damping and other fungal growth. I know damping was brought up recently in popping seeds discussions so I'll add this in while here. Method with most observed success here has been; seeds soaked 12 or so hours until crack, these and seeds not cracked after 24 get put into drilled 1oz cups with 70/30 old soil and perlite mix, the soil mix is pre-drenched with a 6:1 water/3% h2o2 and left alone for 4-5 hours, after seeds are planted they're sprinkled with cinnamon and ground bTi powder(damn you gnats!), for any watering needs until established a weak K solution is used in a sprayer. This same approach is used for clones and have had very few failures.
To bring this back to topic: This season & last Ive used a solution of nicotine, garlic, and cayenne for contact & residual killing of caterpillars and other garden bastards to much success. Made the nicotine solution from the nicotiana rustica given out by Mrs B. So big thanks to Mr & Mrs B for all the good things they've given us. If anyone curious the solution per gallon was 1oz cured tobacco, 2 oz raw leaf tobacco, 5 garlic cloves, and a handful of dried cayenne peppers steeped at 160 degrees for 4 hours. Dilute with water 4 to 1 for use.
*not a botanist, but i've watched stuff grow. Sometimes I might have helped.