Does Anyone Use Green Lights?


Active Member
I read that during the dark time of the flowering stage, you should not let any light get to the plants. I assume this even means regular light bulbs that are used around the house. If you want to water the leaves, but want the bulb off and cooled down before hand, do you use a green light to see in the dark? If so, where do you get a green light. I did a search but could not find local place that sold them or listed them on their website.
potroast said:
Yes, green lamps will work fine to light your way during the dark cycle. BUT... it must be a bulb with green glass, not some green film over it. And you can check it by looking at the leaves of your plant, they will appear to be black in color if you're using the correct green bulb with no other light.

And don't fall for that "Moonlight is OK" logic. When growing indoors, the dark cycle must be uninterrupted darkness each night.

HTH :mrgreen:

I didn't know that before.
Plants can't see the green light, and as such, it is safe to use one briefly for access to your grow room. I'm not sure where to get one though. I just go in there when the lights are on.
Just get some hi-tech night vision goggles.. lol f the light.. j/k
green light is ok.. that moonlight bull i believe is ok because in nature there is no complet darkness.. 365.24... days of the year there is never a pitch black.. period.. lol tho no light is definatly better.
I have my mother and clones in a green rubbermaid bin (24/7 lights) in the same room as my flowering plants (12/12) and the bin casts a green light all around the room and it doesnt disturb my other plants sleep at all
Moonlight is reflected light and lacks enough intensity to really do anything.

You might wanna check that statement Moonlight does have an affect on plants and plant growth.. such the harvest moon There is a post concearning the waning and waxing faces of the moon during the grow cycle