Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

This is a little closer to home. One of those funny quirks of life, Sister and her buddies have a condo on Panama City Beach from tomorrow until Sunday morning. I told her she could leave the sunscreen at home.

I'm between bands right now, but the last one was dropping 3 inches per hour. 9 inches since midnight so far. River is rising really fast, 9 feet in the last 24 hours, but 6 of that was in the last 12 hours. Hope the forecasted crest is wrong, or I will be kicking fish on the low end of the river house. I've been moving shit out from under the house this morning. Lumber and that sort of thing is going on the decks. The road will be cut off before it reaches the house, so anything I want to take out I need to get it done today or tomorrow. Crest is forecast for noon Friday, just under 2 feet shy of the all time record. Most of the time these forecast are high. I hope that trend continues.
I'm between bands right now, but the last one was dropping 3 inches per hour. 9 inches since midnight so far. River is rising really fast, 9 feet in the last 24 hours, but 6 of that was in the last 12 hours. Hope the forecasted crest is wrong, or I will be kicking fish on the low end of the river house. I've been moving shit out from under the house this morning. Lumber and that sort of thing is going on the decks. The road will be cut off before it reaches the house, so anything I want to take out I need to get it done today or tomorrow. Crest is forecast for noon Friday, just under 2 feet shy of the all time record. Most of the time these forecast are high. I hope that trend continues.
Stay safe, brother. Flooding is no joke.
Stay safe, brother. Flooding is no joke.
Thanks. It came up really fast yesterday. Up to 2 feet per hour for a while. It's about half an inch an hour now. I've got about 40 inches to spare, and the forecast is calling for 5 more feet. They lowered the forecast crest by a foot and pushed it from Friday to Saturday. I'm singing an old gospel song trying to get some divine intervention.

The view from the front deck.

We're supposed to get some rain this evening (I'm near Eugene)

I'm hoping it'll knock down some of this smokiness
Hope it works for you! I also wish you the best of luck in that no fire threatens your home and unique collection of vehicles lol

It's been smoky here in Colorado from the west coast wildfires.

Right now the air quality is "hazardous to those who are sensitive."
Looks like we dodged a bullet with the flood. Crested this morning almost five feet lower than predicted. It was about 30 inches from the floor boards in the lower level. But I do have to get a shed built on high ground. I had way too much lumber and soil mix stored under the house. The river came up 12 feet in 12 hours, and I had a time keeping up. Got to bed at 0200 yesterday morning. But other than about 25 gallons of mushroom compost, I saved everything worth saving.

This was yesterday, about 4 inches before the crest. I worry that when it goes down, the tree all those logs are hung up in might break.

Even more good news, a real cool front is coming through. Today's forecast is 83/70F, but for my ten day, after today I have lows in the 60's every night except one night in the 50's. The first cool temps this season.
Looks like we dodged a bullet with the flood. Crested this morning almost five feet lower than predicted. It was about 30 inches from the floor boards in the lower level. But I do have to get a shed built on high ground. I had way too much lumber and soil mix stored under the house. The river came up 12 feet in 12 hours, and I had a time keeping up. Got to bed at 0200 yesterday morning. But other than about 25 gallons of mushroom compost, I saved everything worth saving.

This was yesterday, about 4 inches before the crest. I worry that when it goes down, the tree all those logs are hung up in might break.
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Even more good news, a real cool front is coming through. Today's forecast is 83/70F, but for my ten day, after today I have lows in the 60's every night except one night in the 50's. The first cool temps this season.
I've read the skeeters get real bad after these floods. I haven't seen a mosquito at home all year, but then it hasn't rained in 100 days!
We had some sprinkles this morning, but no real rain. At 1355 it's cloudy, 77F with 74% humidity. Forecast of 88/63F (our first temps in the 60's since spring) with 20% chance of rain today, 40% tonight and tomorrow.
A cool windy day here. It's sunny, 70F. Forecast of 75/60F with no chance of rain. (it was sprinkling earlier this morning)

Too cool to mess around in the flood, so I'm staying out of the water today. The water level is rising atm, but it's expected to go back down later today or tonight.
I stayed home last night, thinking it was safe to do so. But the river has came back up a foot (after dropping a foot and a quarter) so it's off to the flood for me.

It's 62F and partly cloudy. Forecast of 70/64F with no chance of rain.
Crazy stuff going on down there. You seem to take it in stride. Hope everything stays dry.
Nothing I can do the change it now. I learned a lot when it was coming up so fast. The main thing is never keep more shit under the house than you can get out in a few hours. I was 0200 getting the lumber and potting soil up on the decks the other night.

We had planned on running to town yesterday, and in hindsight, I should have. The river has crested again 0.05 feet higher than the earlier crest, but it's taking it's sweet time getting down to me from the gauge. It's only came up a couple inches since yesterday. and it lacks about 8-10 inches to get as high as it was before. So now I just have to wait to see how long it takes to get down to me.

The last two days were too cool to dabble in the water, but it's warmer today. It's party cloudy and 82F. Forecast of 83/68F. Looks like we might have a week or two without tropical BS in the gulf.
Mostly cloudy, 77F. Forecast of 81/72F with 60% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow.

River has fell out a little. Not down to where it was a couple of days ago though. But once again the prediction is for a drop of about a foot a day. (like they said 4-5 days ago before it came back up higher than before)

This was early when we had more sun.

Mostly cloudy, 77F. Forecast of 81/72F with 60% chance of rain today, tonight and tomorrow.

River has fell out a little. Not down to where it was a couple of days ago though. But once again the prediction is for a drop of about a foot a day. (like they said 4-5 days ago before it came back up higher than before)

This was early when we had more sun.

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Hey we've got flood problems here in southern Oregon. Got .17 inch of rain last night. First rain since June 16. I hope the soil can accept it all. We might get another tenth of an inch tomorrow.
Hey we've got flood problems here in southern Oregon. Got .17 inch of rain last night. First rain since June 16. I hope the soil can accept it all. We might get another tenth of an inch tomorrow.
Beware, because of the wildfires the soil won't hold much rain and it will create real potential for flash floods.
Up here in northern Colorado, highs have been in the mid 80s, lows in the low to mid 50s. Hard to complain! Well, except for the wildfire smoke but even that's only occasional.

I stopped by a friend's house last night and his outdoor crop came through the recent cold snap just fine and they're looking really nice!

Hope everyone is having a good fall!