My Song of the Day

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My last Song of the Day.
Fuck Trump, his time is up

This one is for @topcat (ah, the good old day's, right?)
I narrowly escaped the draft. Because of protests, Selective Service stopped taking 18 yr. old kids and that was me, classified 1H (holding). Selective Service quickly re-classified me 1A, just days after I turned 19 (so much for inefficiency of govt.) and my lottery number was 32, so I was in the cross hairs. Negotiations were going on, but kids were still being drafted and dying in Vietnam. I was preparing to go to Canada. I escaped by the skin of my teeth, only by time.
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I narrowly escaped the draft. Because of protests, Selective Service stopped taking 18 yr. old kids and that was me, classified 1H (holding). Selective Service quickly re-classified me 1A, just days after I turned 19 (so much for inefficiency of govt.) and my lottery number was 32, so I was in the cross hairs. Negotiations were going on, but kids were still being drafted and dying in Vietnam. I was preparing to go to Canada. I got out by the skin of my teeth, only by time.
January 27, 1974 I got my card and in the Febuary lottery I won #1.
Fuck face Nixon stopped sending troops in March & I went to college so I also dodged a bullet.
Some fucked up time to be 18 in the USA, but unfortunatly nothing like today, now I think/know it's worse.
I'm sick of this shit.

Remembering where I came from. Queensryke Operation Mind Crime. Absolute classic in my youth. Album is deep if you do Theatrical 80's metal.

Title song is fitting to today's mess still.

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