Stuck in preflower?

The worst place I ever saw it was down near Carmen Illinois. It's not really in the town but on the sand roads out side of it.

I remember when some well meaning, new cop thought he had found the largest grow ever.... Army/national guard helicopters came... And in some stupid waste of taxpayer money did their best to do away with it lol. They came and they dug and they pulled and they burned. And in the end ,,, you could hardly notice! Lol. They actually helped spread all that dang seed around even better than it would have been! Great dove hunting place though. Doves love hemp and cannabis seeds.
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It's Chinese hemp left over from WWII (my family actually grew it for the war effort) . The stuff is everywhere... The state is supposed to have a wild hemp eradication team in place now with some sort of plan. But I still see the stuff.
People I know and myself have gone out and pulled it nearby wherever we have grown in the past. But it still shows up everywhere. And if you don't get rid of it it'll give you seeds. So,,,,, if you see it,,,, kill, kill, KILLLLLL!!!!
So I asked my farming buddy how often they run into it and he said they find "fields of it" so I guess I am just blind lol
Well,,, welcome to another illinoisan! And as Jeff just said some will move faster than others. So no worries yet. She will more than likely move right along. You will just have to harvest that o e at a different time than the others. Which is not a bad thing if you ask me. Pulling fan leaves cutting and hanging all take time and it's nice imo to be able to spread it out a little.
Good luck friend!
You worried about all this morning dew and rain at all? I feel like it's been a constant!
You worried about all this morning dew and rain at all? I feel like it's been a constant!
Well it has been constantly raining until yesterday anyway. And if I had my plants completely outdoors I would be paying a little more attention to them. And shaking excess water off of them a few times day. Or I would be bringing them inside. But I built a hoop house this year to avoid some of those problems associated with growing outside.

I just make sure my fans are running and that they are watered and healthy. I keep an eye out for bugs too. But with the ladybugs and lacewings most of them are in check .