
Glad you're symptom free today. I wasn't sure if you sang as well played. I saw an infuriating video of a chick invading a performers space, grabbing at him without a mask. I wouldn't appreciate that pre covid. Check out @greg nr link above. They're recommending wearing masks while kissing and having sex lol.

Lol. That drunk chick just couldn't believe that someone was rejecting her advances. I've got to start doing that, maybe less obvious as I still want to get a huge tip afterward. If it was a dude doing that to a woman singer, the audience would tackle him...
Be careful bro. You've licked it twice but those long term effects they keep talking about could be worse.

Thanks, dude. I hear you. After an exhaustive battery of x-rays and tests at the hospital during the first bout, I had no signs of organ damage which they said was unusual. A younger, close friend of mine who was hospitalized around the same time (but for much longer) has lung scarring and some liver damage from covid. I'm hoping I escaped unscathed, but nothing I can do about it now. I promise to be good from now on ;)
Lol. That drunk chick just couldn't believe that someone was rejecting her advances. I've got to start doing that, maybe less obvious as I still want to get a huge tip afterward. If it was a dude doing that to a woman singer, the audience would tackle him...

I was a waiter at a banquet hall years where awesome. But the tricky tray parties with the old church ladies.......I made bank.......but that's what slutting it up gets you ;)
Kids caught the coronavirus at childcare centers and infected family members, CDC report says
The authors of the study note that research had previously shown that kids 10 years and older could spread the virus in schools. The new study is evidence that even younger kids, including an 8-month-old baby, can still spread the virus, despite not getting severely sick from Covid-19, the researchers said.