1st soil + autoflower run!!!


Well-Known Member
Left Twix / Right Twix Argument. Autos have and are being more refined as that category of seeds have still become a choice to purchase. 15-20 years ago ... not so much. But thats the whole reason of growing cannabis whether autos or photos. Many breeders are still refining crosses , i smoke / toke a lot of weed. Breeder Thc estimates on any strain ( auto or photo ) should be taken with a grain of salt.
If the grower hangs only on “ THC percentage on paper “ they are looking at only the “ projected percentage “ .... how you really gonna know ?

Send a nug into a lab ? Fuck that. Everyones taste / reaction are independent.... what you claim is fire can be nothing to another smoker.

Far better to hone your skill over ANY STRAIN and get the most out of harvest ... regardless if photo or auto. Its all cannabis for fucks sake.

Its like arguing over iceberg and butterhead lettuce.


Well-Known Member
Left Twix / Right Twix Argument. Autos have and are being more refined as that category of seeds have still become a choice to purchase. 15-20 years ago ... not so much. But thats the whole reason of growing cannabis whether autos or photos. Many breeders are still refining crosses , i smoke / toke a lot of weed. Breeder Thc estimates on any strain ( auto or photo ) should be taken with a grain of salt.
If the grower hangs only on “ THC percentage on paper “ they are looking at only the “ projected percentage “ .... how you really gonna know ?

Send a nug into a lab ? Fuck that. Everyones taste / reaction are independent.... what you claim is fire can be nothing to another smoker.

Far better to hone your skill over ANY STRAIN and get the most out of harvest ... regardless if photo or auto. Its all cannabis for fucks sake.

Its like arguing over iceberg and butterhead lettuce.
Iceberg and butter both have their places....

Personally I have learned its a huge pain in the ass growing a bunch of autos in a 5x5. If I just had a 2x2 or 3x3 they would make more sense. I want to grow 4 photos and completely fill the 5x5. And there is just something different about the taste....

I might run a few autos under a 315 next summer or something.... Let it run 24 hours. Who knows. I think i would try to "force" a flower period with a 48 hour dark period or something lol. I like having control of the transition to flower.


Well-Known Member
Every grower is cut from a different cloth on what they want and “ how “ they want it. I just find the quibbles about cannabis ( in any form ) autos vs. photos hilarious. Like arguing if you wear brown shoes over black. Coke vs. pepsi ... who cares really ?

OP , run an auto under basic needs . Good bagged medium , simple water requirements, and good light. Feeding can be handled by again staged top dressing as needed. You can experiment with LST training on them ( shape them ) so they provide a flatter canopy. Its all a learning thing. Hell , you can run photos SIMILARLY to auto by running SOG style ( 12/12 from start ) with them , then experiment with other techniques ( top / fim / whatever ) if you want. Either way you can’t lose.

Peace. bongsmilie

Frank Nitty

Well-Known Member
Left Twix / Right Twix Argument. Autos have and are being more refined as that category of seeds have still become a choice to purchase. 15-20 years ago ... not so much. But thats the whole reason of growing cannabis whether autos or photos. Many breeders are still refining crosses , i smoke / toke a lot of weed. Breeder Thc estimates on any strain ( auto or photo ) should be taken with a grain of salt.
If the grower hangs only on “ THC percentage on paper “ they are looking at only the “ projected percentage “ .... how you really gonna know ?

Send a nug into a lab ? Fuck that. Everyones taste / reaction are independent.... what you claim is fire can be nothing to another smoker.

Far better to hone your skill over ANY STRAIN and get the most out of harvest ... regardless if photo or auto. Its all cannabis for fucks sake.

Its like arguing over iceberg and butterhead lettuce.
Talk about it!!!


Well-Known Member
Hell , you can run photos SIMILARLY to auto by running SOG style ( 12/12 from start ) with them
This is another excellent point. A photo grown 12/12 from start ends up about the same size as autos. They take a couple weeks longer but only running your light 12/12 will save $$$ in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Every grower is cut from a different cloth on what they want and “ how “ they want it. I just find the quibbles about cannabis ( in any form ) autos vs. photos hilarious. Like arguing if you wear brown shoes over black. Coke vs. pepsi ... who cares really ?

OP , run an auto under basic needs . Good bagged medium , simple water requirements, and good light. Feeding can be handled by again staged top dressing as needed. You can experiment with LST training on them ( shape them ) so they provide a flatter canopy. Its all a learning thing. Hell , you can run photos SIMILARLY to auto by running SOG style ( 12/12 from start ) with them , then experiment with other techniques ( top / fim / whatever ) if you want. Either way you can’t lose.

Peace. bongsmilie
Hey!!!! Coke beats Pepsi any day!!!