on the diy side...
When the future is dazzlingly-bright, this ultra-high-range luminosity sensor will help you measure it. The TSL2591 luminosity sensor is an advanced digital light sensor, ideal for use in a wide range of light situations. Compared to low cost CdS cells, this sensor is more precise, allowing for...
but maybe we can add UV sensor....
Extend your light-sensing spectrum with this analog UV sensor module. It uses a UV photodiode, which can detect the 240-370nm range of light (which covers UVB and most of UVA spectrum). The ...
...looking for the plants response to our lights...etc etc..
...the cams way...
on the cams seems to me there are some options on IR cam and UV cam ...the Spectral cams...the MultiSpectra cams....the Thermal cams...
there are other ways to look at the plants response...
...why not add a remote Canopy Leaf Temp (and others sensors too) on a diy grow lamp?...
...when i see some hardwares like down ...i realize mental diy tunning... now its not a gun in my diy mind...
Infrared (IR) Thermometers / Plant Stress Monitors Infrared thermometers are useful tools for measuring surface temperature of plants, tools equipment and nearly any other surface. Use to determine leaf temperature and plant stress caused by irrigation problems. The USDA has researched and...
...y sigo aprendiendo de lo industrial y comercial sin comprar ni usar nada...
i like a lot the multi sensor way...on a Mesh net way
i told you Wilson
PD...por tu like Bro C add more pov...
Panasonic's AMG8833 Grid-EYE is an 8x8 array of IR thermal sensors. When connected to your microcontroller (or raspberry Pi) it will return an array of 64 individual IR temperature readings over I2C.
there are others thermal cams to help on LST...leaf surface temp...seems to me more economic on the future...
not included on normal diy lamps but hey... imagine with an small IA for the cam...
its hard to implement a LST sensor or an VPD and Dew Point sensor for an Comercial Grow Light on 2020?...
... ok add quantum sensors are expensive... then maybe add a good lux meter... yeah i know lumens its not the best way but we have some light info to play...Lux ...UV... IR ....Quantum...Thermal sensors for grow lights
...Wilson me pregunto si el sabra calibrar el lux meter?...yo sigo prefiriendo calibrar contra leds o lamparas de confianza... o tener un Dev Board AMS para jugar juasss...
PD 1...por tu like bro Moflow add more pov...
its like an message in a bottle...
On the excel sheet....
on your vpd calculator...
we put the inputs data...
our air temperature
our relative humidity
our leaf temperature
to obtain the outputs data...
our air (and the leaf) vapour pressure deficit (vpd)
sorry im bad on maths...
im missing more outputs data using your spreadsheet...
examples on secondary outputs data....
starting on a knowing VPD "ideal" ...¿its possible Know other "posible" datas?
the air temperature? (knowing VPD + relative humidity + leaf temperature)
the relative humidity? (knowing VPD + air temperature + leaf temperature)
the leaf temperature? (knowing VPD + air temperature + relative humidity)
and others secondary output data like SVP (on air and the leaf)
why not add this "posible" outputs data on your spreadsheet?
i hope you have catch mine idea
Thanks in Advance...
...tu crees que los de Pulsegrow lo veran o lo tomaran en cuenta Wilson?...seguramente no...que pena...
...es que elegimos unas vias de comunicacion equivocadas....manias de un viejo naufrago....sorry...
PD 2....i like the hardware give me some diy ideas too...
Measure VPD, dew point, leaf temperature and much more metrics
...and on the cams way...more comercial info to take ideas for my future diy...
...no llevo prisa... ni doy...
VPD Sensors
...i told you Wilson... despicable me ...juasss
...Fellas...are you with me?...
Wilson...Minions...back to choza...infusion and vids time...curious seems to me some Bros and Sister dont like mi post...too ocupated... mucho lio.... jejejeje alla ellos Wilson...yo mientras sigo viendo y aprendiendo cosillas interesantes...