can anyone help me source purple city genetics clones? I’m in Ontario Canada I’m looking for the slurricane, wedding cake and Dosidos clones they provide
Maybe you could post a link or story backing this up? Kinda big news

this is the email they sent me.

We are sorry to inform you that Strainly will have to go on a hiatus in the coming weeks.

The current circumstances, combined with the challenges faced by our industry (e.g. access to basic business services such as payment processing, social media, funding...) forced us to make this difficult decision.

If you have active listings, we would please need you to close them within the next 10 days.
You will have 3 weeks to complete pending transactions, provide tracking number and ensure delivery. If you still have pending transactions by 09-30, please reach out to us.

If you have a Pro or Premium plan, all your credits have been applied to your current listings.

In case you are wondering, our servers and databases have remained secured since we launched Strainly 4 years ago. You have strictly nothing to worry about when it comes to your information.

We are hopeful we'll come back stronger when the dust settles.

Do not hesitate if you have questions.
Thinking of buying off this site, anyone tried them
I always liked Nirvana. Bought from a different breeder this year and seeds never came. He FINALLY sent me another round that did show up. Had intended to plant on 4/20, like always and wasn't able to plant until the end of June! Not too happy but out of 10 seeds, I do have 4 beautiful plants and it wasn't by accident. It took a lot of hard work. Nirvana has a great rep.!