this is my grow setup


New Member
hi i live in nz and this is my second grow ever in a secret corner of new zealand and this will be my best harvest yet. i cant go into setup much because cannabis is illegal in nz. the strain is white widow and is coming along nicely and will be harvested in roughly 24 hours time and goes to medical cannabis patients i have in nz free of charge im part of a coop of growers that do this for the love of helping others

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they are 400w lights each running off rigged free power. also if you live in nz do what i did when the warehouse was first set up we grew tomatoes and rung crimestoppers 3 x and got raided 3 times and then we layed a formal complaint of police intimadation and harassment and now they are not allowed anywhere near the property. if you were wondering turnover this huge room netted last year 385 lb including the small room setup next to it cost to run per harvest is $487 due to free power
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haha thats brilliant mate. awsome to see fellow kiwis getting it done although I havnt seen any on that scale.
great work, keep it up :-) esp the green fairy work.
haha thats brilliant mate. awsome to see fellow kiwis getting it done although I havnt seen any on that scale.
great work, keep it up :-) esp the green fairy work.
thanks mate this is my lifes work as 95% of my patients have epilepsy a condition i also suffer from and it works i dont have seizures much now