Time to harvest?

I grow nugs

Active Member
hey yall

Well its about that time for me to harvest but something is strange... im going to harvest when the hairs become amber but there all yellow right now so i was going to wait a little bit until i looked under a couple of the buds and there were hairs looked like the last hairs in this chart.... what is going on should i cut


Well-Known Member
Cut your buds wich are mature off, then leave the ones which aren't mature on and leave it for longer...............

I think thats what you should do but im probs wrong. Wait 4 someone else to say

I grow nugs

Active Member
bumpity bump.... y is it people always tell u how to find the answer butnever tell u the answer... yes i know about the microscope trick and that was 100% totally besides the point


Well-Known Member
Dont harvest by pistil color alone.
In the 70's they used to harvest when the pistils were like 80% orange/brown, but that means that alot of the bud is still not at its peak.
Invest in a jewellers loupe or a trichome scope... when the pistils start chaniging color, use the loupe/scope to check out what color the trichomes(crystals) are..
Each strain has its peak potency, and can give different effects depending on when it is harvested...
for example 80% cloudy trichs with 20% clear trichs would give you a clear 'up' high.
a trich ratio of 70% cloudy + 30% amber will give you an 'up' ish high with a rather stoney effect.

experiment with your harvesting, make notes of the trich ratios each time you pick and see which high you like the most.

I tend to pick at 70% cloudy 30% amber, as i like the stoney feeling and the CBD and CBN from the amber trichs helps my pain relief.

for your original question, its natural for some pistils to change color before others, bearing in mind those are
prolly the first pistils that showed themselves, therefore theyre older than the other nice clean white hairs, and evidently mature before the newer growth.
Some pistils will also change color during growth for numerous reasons... ie brushing past the pistils can make them change color as they are damaged, as can foliar feeding esp if you do it when the lights are on and it scorches the pistils hairs somewhat.


Well-Known Member
people can't always tell you the answer because 1) you didn't post a picture and 2) they arn't there to see the plant. And it's sort of up to opinion really because there is no way to actually measure numbers and know when the peak is. So someone may tell you are too soon, someone may say pluck, some may so wait way longer. So it's best to teach you how to fish...right?

chances are you are still too early cause most pull too early. Depending on genetics, ready can look different too. But FDD (i'm new here, but seems to be a badass) apparently just did a rant on harvesting too early, and it's harder to harvest too late than it is to harvest too early is the mora of the story.

^^awesome pics of when to harveset by fdd^^

I grow nugs

Active Member
thanks this helped.... :clap: a microscope isnt in the books right now so i have to go by hair colors

Dont harvest by pistil color alone.
In the 70's they used to harvest when the pistils were like 80% orange/brown, but that means that alot of the bud is still not at its peak.
Invest in a jewellers loupe or a trichome scope... when the pistils start chaniging color, use the loupe/scope to check out what color the trichomes(crystals) are..
Each strain has its peak potency, and can give different effects depending on when it is harvested...
for example 80% cloudy trichs with 20% clear trichs would give you a clear 'up' high.
a trich ratio of 70% cloudy + 30% amber will give you an 'up' ish high with a rather stoney effect.

experiment with your harvesting, make notes of the trich ratios each time you pick and see which high you like the most.

I tend to pick at 70% cloudy 30% amber, as i like the stoney feeling and the CBD and CBN from the amber trichs helps my pain relief.

for your original question, its natural for some pistils to change color before others, bearing in mind those are
prolly the first pistils that showed themselves, therefore theyre older than the other nice clean white hairs, and evidently mature before the newer growth.
Some pistils will also change color during growth for numerous reasons... ie brushing past the pistils can make them change color as they are damaged, as can foliar feeding esp if you do it when the lights are on and it scorches the pistils hairs somewhat.


Well-Known Member
Cut your buds wich are mature off, then leave the ones which aren't mature on and leave it for longer...............

I think thats what you should do but im probs wrong. Wait 4 someone else to say
Have a lil faith in yourself, You're not incorrect bro..
The majority of growers harvest plants in 2 or 3 or poss even more waves.
Alot of marijuana strain mature from the top so you take those buds and any of the side nugs that are ready then leave the rest of the plant to finish the flowering phase , then chop those.

But bare in mind that some strains like my auto ecsd and ingemars punch can mature from the bottom up!

Go steady :)


Well-Known Member
bad ass pictures, and i don't believe that's really arguable. THC turns into CBD and CBN once it reaches what would be a logical THC peak. CBD and CBN give you more of the "couchlock" effect, which doesn't really need to couchlock you, and people get caught up in diction. I WANT the most THC possible, and would concider the transformation from THC to CBN and CBD the degradation of my plant. But others, who want the CBD and CBN would say there plant isn't mature yet when the THC levels peak, cause they want more CBD and CBN.

i lika my head highs. Day trippin all the way:). if i want to be locked onto my couch, i'll just grow some blueberry.