If The Egyptians Built The Pyramids, Why Doesn't It Show This In The Hieroglyphics?

but has there been any pharoes found in these actaull chambers...and again what of the vally of the kings...why would they need 2 buriel mounds

Grave robbers were a real problem. The location of the Valley of the Kings was kept secret to prevent plundering. As for having two burial mounds, the pyramid also served as a status symbol. A big pyramid compensated for a small willie.
Grave robbers were a real problem. The location of the Valley of the Kings was kept secret to prevent plundering. As for having two burial mounds, the pyramid also served as a status symbol. A big pyramid compensated for a small willie.

You're on point, CG. All this stuff can be found if people would pick up a book from time to time. Its not as mysterious as people think.

Anyway...I was cruising news stories and came by this:

I Just now caught up with this thread...good stuff, as I settle back with my first bowl of the day...

Ancient engineering is wickedly mysterious and fascinating!



Ask most people where the oldest civilization lived and you'll here answers like Mesopotamia (Iraq), Egypt or Iran. While these cultures can be traced back to 4000 B.C., the mysterious ruins of Tiahuanaco, in Bolivia, could be 14,000 years old! If you think the Great Pyramid in Egypt is a technological marvel, wait until you see what artists and engineers were doing in Tiahuanaco. This culture thrived at the breathless elevation of about 13,000 feet. They managed to somehow move stones weighing up to 200 tons and invented modular building techniques that would even today, be cutting edge.

Tiahuanaco: Gatway to the Gods
Wouldn't the roof have been built last (if you get my meaning)? There would have been enough light from the sun.

But if the pyramid was built from the ground up, there really is no way to put the ceiling on last because it forms as you go up. But the notion that they carved it as it went up or before they put the blocks in place makes sense.
guys lets not be foolish and say the following:

1) white europeans were probably not the first to travel to the new world, but they loved to say so

2) the egyptions at the time were just as smart as we are today with no difference in each other. meaning if I went in a time machine and retrived a baby from egyption times he could end up being a rocket scientist

3) therefore they built it themselves, all by themselves. no magic no nothin. please, if they had some super secret properties or whatever why were they such cry babies about death? like all people are today? death was thier motive to built these structures just as fear of death makes people believe in all these different religions. (by the way only one religion can be right, correct? so that means the rest of the hundreds of religions around the world would be wrong making them all fools and praying to nothing:blsmoke: ) however the real fact it that they are all wrong an no religion is real or true. anyone with have a brain who can be honest with themselves already knows this

4)aliens have never come to earth, and probably never will. We will never be able to travel far enough and be lucky enough to make contact unless possibly with some sort of very long rage laser light communication but it will probably never end up in and actuall meeting cuz of the vast Distances.

5) first rule of life, everyone is an idiot including yourself. therefore dont take what anyone tells you too much to heart.

6) just live and shut up & mind your own business
But if the pyramid was built from the ground up, there really is no way to put the ceiling on last because it forms as you go up. But the notion that they carved it as it went up or before they put the blocks in place makes sense.

There's your answer then.

The Egyptians built the burial mounds. n advanced race would have used better materials, of course they would.

I mean Egyptians didn't even have the gumption to invent the wheel, and we're supposed to believe they were in communication with an advanced Alien society?
4)aliens have never come to earth, and probably never will. We will never be able to travel far enough and be lucky enough to make contact unless possibly with some sort of very long rage laser light communication but it will probably never end up in and actuall meeting cuz of the vast Distances.

6) just live and shut up & mind your own business

#4 is just your speculation....you have no clue whats really going on in space, nor do I for that matter.

If everyone did #6 we would still be living in caves and mud huts.
I mean Egyptians didn't even have the gumption to invent the wheel, and we're supposed to believe they were in communication with an advanced Alien society?

The only reason you say this is because of our prior "discussion". I'm actually trying to leave the aliens out of this.

What confuses me is if they didn't have the gumption to invent the wheel, then how the hell did they build the pyramids?

I actually think that you and whoever else said they carved as it went up are correct.
What confuses me is if they didn't have the gumption to invent the wheel, then how the hell did they build the pyramids?

They could have made the bricks on site, then hauled/rolled them up on logs. Slaves from the back would grab the surplus logs and run with them to the front. So on, so forth.

Believe me, the egyptians had never seen the use for a wheel, it just never occured to them to invent it.
What confuses me is if they didn't have the gumption to invent the wheel, then how the hell did they build the pyramids?

They could have made the bricks on site, then hauled/rolled them up on logs. Slaves from the back would grab the surplus logs and run with them to the front. So on, so forth.

Believe me, the egyptians had never seen the use for a wheel, it just never occured to them to invent it.

Arent logs just really heavy wheels? I doubt they could have supported the large stones on regular wheels. also they had chariots hes a pic:



like i said these guys were just as smart as we are today and probably much harder workers seeing they didnt have the many luxurious distractions we have today. we just been piggy backin all the info so thats why we have so much more technology
#4 is just your speculation....you have no clue whats really going on in space, nor do I for that matter.

If everyone did #6 we would still be living in caves and mud huts.

well #6 was actually only for us in this thread:mrgreen:

And #4 you are incorrect I know a great deal of whats going on in the universe and using the available knowledge on the subject I think my conclusion was very plausable and I would hazard to say the most believable scenario taking into account the current inrformation we have on the subject:mrgreen:
Great points Panda....There is no magic...super intelligence...aliens or anything other than hard work and the same mental abilities as we have always had the potential for as human beings. Egyptians were just using that potential at a time when others werent. Or not to that degree or focusing on "building".

So I do agree with you there. And yes...Egyptians used wheels and probably pullies and levers as anyone would do if faced with an identical obstacle when building with heavy blocks etc.

I also agree that Europeans probably werent the 1st people to venture out in the world. Arabs, Africans and probably Asians as well have been traveling the world if not at the same time then prior to Europeans. Respectfully, you've gotta always remember...history is written by the victors. And there has been eveidence found that agrees.

Thats not taking anything away from anyone. But ALL people of the world have contributed to "civilization". Egyptians too. With their own hands.
The muslims conquered half the world... the moors used to come to London to buy (mainly) white women as slaves. London was a massive slave trading area. It wasn't just Africans.

The moors also conquered Italy and Ireland. this is why none of us can claim to be a true anything.

The only race that even tried to remain pure were the saxons. They killed everybody, men, women and children. Raping was forbidden, and a capital offence.

Oh, the wheel thing. I learned that in school... then again this was back in the days when we believed cavemen lived alongside dinosaurs. Done some checking and the first wheel is believed to have been invented in Iraq some 3500 years BC... although it was borne out of a need to make decent pottery.

Fucking school.
And #4 you are incorrect I know a great deal of whats going on in the universe and using the available knowledge on the subject I think my conclusion was very plausable and I would hazard to say the most believable scenario taking into account the current inrformation we have on the subject:mrgreen:

So you have been to every planet in the solar system, or the universe for that matter to verify the fact that there is no life there?