upside down growing


Well-Known Member
you know I just wanna try it to see if there actaully is any difference between this method and my normally grown tomatoes, if there is, I'll try it with some weed. Obviously a clear plastic bag, as seen in the pic is not a good idea though.

Other than that green.....I cant think of any other benefits, short of trying it out myself.


Well-Known Member
you know I just wanna try it to see if there actaully is any difference between this method and my normally grown tomatoes, if there is, I'll try it with some weed. Obviously a clear plastic bag, as seen in the pic is not a good idea though.

Other than that green.....I cant think of any other benefits, short of trying it out myself.
well purely theoretical would this uplift the natural limit of plant grow in terms of height since the fluids are rather pushed into the plant by gravity then hold down as usually, so the plant could be growing taller then natural. also maybe it buds could get slightly bigger due to this but this would be the mind-blowing:lol: in general it will need less support to grow "tall" the with a traditionally plant one:D that for sure, probable will need some support to be spread apart in order to grow as branch as i like 'em;)


Well-Known Member
oh my gawd, water travels downhill? i never knew. you guys are funny. don't you water all plants at the top and gravity pulls it down? what are you people smoking? i want some. lololololololololol


Well-Known Member
My aunt has 3 of those upside down tamatoe growers outside by her pool. They work horrible and I'm pretty sure when I was looking at them I know why. Before I begin 2 of the plants were basically dead and the third that I am mentioning here was starting to grow back up twoards the sky!

First the light comes from the sky and not the ground. The Plant will want to wrap around the ouside of the pot and head back up twoards the sunny sun sun.

Second. When you water the water will sink to the bottom of the pot while the roots will need to grow upward. Since all the water will be at the bottom this will not be achieved as easily.


The only way in my head to do a successful upside down grow would be to be indoor and to have your lights on the floor. You would also have to have them able to move up and down so you would have to make some kind of rack system to hold them upside down out of 2x4 or something. Lastly you would have to have the plants on a constant slow drip so that the top of the soil would be moist so that the roots would grow upwards. I really really really think this would be a whole whole lot more trouble then it was worth otherwise a million people would do it already lol.

Good idea though bro.


Well-Known Member
oh my gawd, water travels downhill? i never knew. you guys are funny. don't you water all plants at the top and gravity pulls it down? what are you people smoking? i want some. lololololololololol
you been smoking maybe, okay me as well but it is a fact that gravity is limiting the height of which water can be lifted up in the capillary system of a plant. no scratching on this fact please or you get the sign *the earth isn't a disk* again;)


Well-Known Member
My aunt has 3 of those upside down tamatoe growers outside by her pool. They work horrible and I'm pretty sure when I was looking at them I know why. Before I begin 2 of the plants were basically dead and the third that I am mentioning here was starting to grow back up twoards the sky!

First the light comes from the sky and not the ground. The Plant will want to wrap around the ouside of the pot and head back up twoards the sunny sun sun.

Second. When you water the water will sink to the bottom of the pot while the roots will need to grow upward. Since all the water will be at the bottom this will not be achieved as easily.


The only way in my head to do a successful upside down grow would be to be indoor and to have your lights on the floor. You would also have to have them able to move up and down so you would have to make some kind of rack system to hold them upside down out of 2x4 or something. Lastly you would have to have the plants on a constant slow drip so that the top of the soil would be moist so that the roots would grow upwards. I really really really think this would be a whole whole lot more trouble then it was worth otherwise a million people would do it already lol.

Good idea though bro.
...million people thought the earth would be flat as a disk for more then 1000 years and then Columbus came and ended up in the caribbean water;) this is an argument that is more then likely to fall if tested;)


Well-Known Member
You do have a point. Hell maybe if you could do a upside down grow the right way it would be a new way to grow! like hydro and areo and such!

Good way of putting it green!


Well-Known Member
i'm buying an omega. they have cheaper versions. different company i think. you can get them a little cheaper. i've heard rumors of insane amounts off 2 600w lights. 2+lbs. just rumors, but........


Well-Known Member
IF this does work and you can grow upside down I am going to start growing from trees everywhere. Helicopters probably couldn't see them if they are hanging from a low branch on a big tree.


Well-Known Member
IF this does work and you can grow upside down I am going to start growing from trees everywhere. Helicopters probably couldn't see them if they are hanging from a low branch on a big tree.
you have not quiet read the full post or? we came to the conclution that is works only with artifical light sources, so indoor buddy;)

if you go for outdoor and tree, place it into the tree top and those dump nuts will think it is a huge fuckin viscum/mistletoe then a weed plant, and it can't be spotted that easily from the ground as well if you are good at the job;)


Active Member
oh yeah 50/50 organic soil and MG moisture control mix. I'm gonna get some really good bloom feed too probably advanced nutrients or something like that!


Active Member
i'm thinking of doing a SCROG system to keep the buds at equal length since it will be so much easier to do with the branches growing down towards the light. Key is to not overwater! Let the roots grow up toward the top. I'm gonna keep the organic soil on the bottom and the MG mositure control on top. to hold more water up top of the dirt container. seperate it with some limestones that come in the organic soil. Limestones balance the ph level. I'm doing this indoors to point out i would like to try outdoors too but to risky for me. I like to know my plant is safe and that i control the enviroment.


Well-Known Member
sounds pretty easy and a good idea to me
just start them right side up and then flip them once the get a root system