48 hour dark period

go go kid

Well-Known Member
i can see the logig behind it, extra darkness pushing out extra flowering. ive also herd of 3 days, but let another back me up if you prefer


Active Member
To say the least, it has a very minimal affect on plants. If you are drying correctly (very slowly) the plant wont even know its been cut down for the first 3-4 days and will get its darkness while hanging upside down.
I’ve been told by many to dry in the dark.. I’m curios if this needs to be uninterrupted darkness or if it’s ok to check on them here and there

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes u can check on them, its when you interupt the dark periods of flowering you can get problems

go go kid

Well-Known Member
100's of members all with there own unique experiances can get somewhat confusing. im sorry youve had people trying to make you look stupid, that dont help anyone. keep up the good growing