Air cooled Hood with a carbon filter... any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Wondering if ya'll know a good carbon filter design that can be incorporated into an air cooled hood (that doesnt have glass). Check my grow if your trying to figure out the setup, but I connected my squirell fan to my hood using some ducting.

My temps stay low, I just built a carbon filter (the classic kind) but it cut off any flow from the hood.

Any ideas dudes?

cheers, i appreciate your help


Well-Known Member
really guys? no ideas? im sure somebody has been in this position. Its not like everyone can rock a carbon scrubber in another room....


Well-Known Member
If the air flow is getting cut off by the filter then maybe it's time to look at a fan with a larger CFM.


Well-Known Member
If the air flow is getting cut off by the filter then maybe it's time to look at a fan with a larger CFM.
im more interested in how somebody can filter there air when there only means of ventilation is an air cooled hood.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it's possible to have a properly working hood/carbon filter if the whole unit is not air tight, you will loose all ur flow past the bulb. Maybe consider changing the hood? I'm not sure exactly what ur setup is tho so maybe a bit more detail or a pic would help.


Well-Known Member
Might give you a few ideas, this is my old 600w cooltube setup.

This is the new flower room setup, with a different air cooled reflector.

And my new 250w cooltube veg room setup



Well-Known Member

Hmm, so if i understand the setup right, you have air being pulled through the carbon filter, then through the cooltube, then out the exhaust? Because if thats right, than you have just made my life so much easier. It makes perfect sense!

All I have to do now is up the cfm's on my fan and buy a piece of tempered glass and my problems are solved. Thanks boyo.



Well-Known Member
Yea itl only work well if the fan is up to the job of cooling the reflector and extracting the room plus create enough neg pressure in the room to keep plenty of air coming in, not sure how well the fan would pull through a home made c/filter, there may be too much resistance, but yea it is possible to run an air cooled reflector and extraction/filtration system all in one ;-)


Well-Known Member
Yea itl only work well if the fan is up to the job of cooling the reflector and extracting the room plus create enough neg pressure in the room to keep plenty of air coming in, not sure how well the fan would pull through a home made c/filter, there may be too much resistance, but yea it is possible to run an air cooled reflector and extraction/filtration system all in one ;-)

thanks brova, ill give it a shot. ill post pics when i get it setup.