Sugar Rush 6, 10, and then nine. Going to get dusted tonight, and if it’s too early or too late oh well. What better way to learn, then trial and error. if it’s a little too late, it is what it is. i’ll push them longer if i have to, so that way the seeds are ripe when they get shucked. Not really planning on smoking any of it anyways, but might as well use it to make some hash or rosin. Definitely taking cuts off of number six, and i might as well take at least one from the other genotypes. That way i’m not kicking myself in the ass, like i was for not cutting some off my Cookie on roids pheno of Fudge Ripple. 6 smells just like Cherry Pie, while 10 and nine have more of a sugary, creamy, and grape aroma to them.


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The AMA will admit that it’s perfectly OK to use on plants or animals, they won’t guzzle it unless you make them. Interestingly enough studies show that it only takes a small amount to make plans well, as well, and there is a diminishing return, go figure.
@genuity You are chuckers gear correct? If so I just placed an order for your goofy grape off seedoutlet. I really wanted the graveyard whistler freebies to be honest. Thanks for the heads up on the site. Was really easy to make a purchase. Honestly I would order more seeds if it was more convenient to pay just like said website. Cheers.
I wouldn’t put a seed direct into coco. As others have said start it in something that can retain water better. Coco dries out so fast.
i use a coco mix, and i had terrible luck at first. This last run though i got 12 out of 13 to pop. i use a pump sprayer and lightly mist them, but i use the paper towel/or cup method before planting. i did have to lower the light to about 26 inches above the cups, and soon as they started sprouting had to raise it 4 inches. it’s exactly 95% coco, and the other 5% is perlite and organic fertilizer. This is what i’ve been using, and those are 12 very happy Cement Shoes x Complex Kush from Simply2Complex. 3 were a little unhappy, because i didn’t plant them deep enough. Now that that’s fixed and i topped them off with more coco, they’re absolutely beasting.


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So these are the tops of SR6(first 2 pics), SR nine(next 2 pics), and then SR 10(next two pics)right after they got dusted with the CM3 stud. Hoping that i wasn’t too late dusting them, but if it was i have nobody to blame but myself. Please feel free to chime in and let me know if i’m good or not, because that would be highly appreciated. Also took two cuts of each geno. SR6 on far right, SR nine middle, and SR10 far left. This is my first pollen chuck, so wish me luck, and happy growing everyone.


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@genuity You are chuckers gear correct? If so I just placed an order for your goofy grape off seedoutlet. I really wanted the graveyard whistler freebies to be honest. Thanks for the heads up on the site. Was really easy to make a purchase. Honestly I would order more seeds if it was more convenient to pay just like said website. Cheers.
Thanks for the support & the seedoutlet is good people...
Hope you enjoy that goofy grape.

So these are the tops of SR6(first 2 pics), SR nine(next 2 pics), and then SR 10(next two pics)right after they got dusted with the CM3 stud. Hoping that i wasn’t too late dusting them, but if it was i have nobody to blame but myself. Please feel free to chime in and let me know if i’m good or not, because that would be highly appreciated. Also took two cuts of each geno. SR6 on far right, SR nine middle, and SR10 far left. This is my first pollen chuck, so wish me luck, and happy growing everyone.
Looks good to me,but you can always hit them again.

The Fookies x Floozy are regs.

This flat of seeds is getting put in an earthbox & 1 more week of veg,then 12/12
Small personal bumper crop..

This lot (cereal milk x Floozy) & a few (shoreline x Floozy)
Plan is to put them all in 3gal pots,4 weeks of veg(with 1 topping) & off the 12/12 they will go.

Anybody mess with the stock market, shit is crazy these past few months..
Major pay outs.
I know it's lots of shit going on in this country & world... but money do not stop,just saying.

Hope all is doing good.
A lot of insider trading right now, if you have money to invest it’s a good time, Wall Street is like a giant circle jerk right now.
I be skimming premiums...
3 call options @$239 per option & that hoe jumped up $40
6+k in 12hrs,keep up the jerk session.

You guys would probably be the best group to ask this, have any of you guys ever run across a strain that taste like Concorde grapes like really like Concorde grapes lake Welches grape juice?
Yes,(bright moments) by Gage green.
It's taste just like big bland green grapes,I have not ran across any purple grape taste,but had plants that had the smell in 12/12.

I don't remember the green grape being so bland & tart & so big..
Somebody done fucked upd the green grape.