Is it on Netflix or prime?
Jonny 5 is alive!Short Circuit
spoiler alertJonny 5 is alive!
On Prime I happened across a set of fifteen “Nuclear Test Films” released by the DOD archive. Lots of info that was new to me, plus the generally cheery indifference to the radiation hazard that marked those times.
Were these the Lawrence Livermore ones that they rescued and digitized? I know they declassified, digitized and released a bunch a year or so ago. They had thousands of them that were decaying.On Prime I happened across a set of fifteen “Nuclear Test Films” released by the DOD archive. Lots of info that was new to me, plus the generally cheery indifference to the radiation hazard that marked those times.
I think so. Some of the films show damage, especially in the audio track.Were these the Lawrence Livermore ones that they rescued and digitized? I know they declassified, digitized and released a bunch a year or so ago. They had thousands of them that were decaying.
Watched Growing Belushi last night, we'll give it one more try before kicking it to the curb, too much of a scripted reality show so far. They were on a mission in Columbia to find three weed strains that I found online in a couple minutes.
Watched Growing Belushi last night, we'll give it one more try before kicking it to the curb, too much of a scripted reality show so far. They were on a mission in Columbia to find three weed strains that I found online in a couple minutes.