how do "YOU" feel about Obama with Marijuana laws????


Well-Known Member
well i hope it gets to him in the first term but if not i suppose i can still hide my stash just wish i didn't have to /sigh.....:leaf::weed:=)) night all


Active Member
obama has said several times....he would not spend a single federal dollar prosecuting medical marijuana patients and the like.... in states that allow it....

also if you look at his poster he always has

we need " tell me does that not look like "change weed" they do that stuff on purpose sublimible and the diva palin hers says

"country first" looks alot like "cunt fist" of "cunt first" again this stuff is not by mere accident they plan on the sublim effect.....

look at his "change
we need" get really high and move your head back and forth and it does say "change weed" now whether or not he will change it is left to be under stood......... but as a man that freely admits he inhaled often as that was the point i think he understands the harm being done by laws out lawing a safe substance


Active Member
YouTube - Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization (2004)

from his own mouth......"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws"
this is just one time .......if you look around their are several videos of him saying the same thing
i feel good that at least he has concern for the law..........and i dont think he is a person to hold back his ideas he did win an electorial landslide......when bush won by very very few points he called that a "mandate" so i would say obama def now has a "mandate" to push some of these ideas.....
again he said not legalize but decriminalize
which normally what that means is just if you standing on the corner blowing smoke in people faces being an ass your gonna get a "fine" but what you do in your own home or descreetly is cool......

ps....check it out i posted this right @ 420 heheheheh puff puff

well mabey i missed it by a couple of min riu servers must be on "their own time"


stays relevant.
All I ask is that the DEA leave medical states alone. We voted for what we want, and we're capable of managing our own decisions.


New Member
Obama was in IL senator, I live in IL. During the time he was a senator he has done NOTHING about marijuana laws. We can't even get medical marijuana passed here.

Did it ever occur to anyone that the marijuana comments were empty campaign statements?


Well-Known Member
This comes to the part of the discussion as to WHY they won't decriminalize it, not even for medicinal purposes.

It is about money. Plain and simple. They make more off it being illegal.


Well-Known Member
You're mixing up state constitution and federal laws all up.
reform comes from congress.
I repeat, obama can't even if he wanted to.
Call your rep and ask the cannabis question.
I'm telling if we can get that bill on his desk, he'll sign it:peace:
I'm not mixing anything up, and you just said the same thing I said.

So far it has been the states, and cities that have reformed marijuana laws. You are aware there are state laws, AND federal laws right?

Berkeley has different MJ laws than CA. CA has different laws than the US. Federal drug law reform will not force states to legalize marijuana, it will give them the option.

So even if Obama signed a bill today that reformed the federal laws, it does not mean people in Utah can start smoking and growing. Not only that, but the more states change their state laws, the more federal politicians become aware.


Well-Known Member
Drugs and medicine are interelated, in the medical feild I know this. Morphine is DA SHEIT, but you can't grow it in your backyard. Pot is more of a 'threat' as it is easy to grow.

What an asinine species we are, to tell a plant that it is against our laws that it have a right to live......

Funny McCain would say that, since alcohol is what got the wealthy young hieress he married rich. Her family fortune was from firewater.
Morphine gives me horrible nightmares and binds me, oh MAN! All peristalsis stops. Fuck that shit, I wanna poop!

I have already spoken at length on what Obama may or may not do with regard to mj, medical or otherwise, no need (at this moment) to toot on about all that again, because, frankly, it doesn't seem to matter because folks will still believe what they wish to believe, no matter the evidence to the contrary.
I feel stumped because when obama first started campaigning he stated that he wanted to decriminalize medicale marijuana users. then when people started to bitch about what he said he changed his mind and told them he had never said anything like that.

i just hope he goes for what he had originally planed and hopefully all states will allow medical marijuana now that he wants to decriminalize medicinal users.
Aha! Someone who's paying attention. ;) Don't forget that, at one point, he was unsure of the very definition of decriminalization. Don't forget, either, who he's chosen as VP. "Drug Czar," anyone?


Well-Known Member
obama has said several times....he would not spend a single federal dollar prosecuting medical marijuana patients and the like.... in states that allow it....

also if you look at his poster he always has

we need " tell me does that not look like "change weed" they do that stuff on purpose sublimible and the diva palin hers says

"country first" looks alot like "cunt fist" of "cunt first" again this stuff is not by mere accident they plan on the sublim effect.....

look at his "change
we need" get really high and move your head back and forth and it does say "change weed" now whether or not he will change it is left to be under stood......... but as a man that freely admits he inhaled often as that was the point i think he understands the harm being done by laws out lawing a safe substance

i'm not sure about the sublim effect part.... but yes i think he knows how much help marijuana could be as well :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
This comes to the part of the discussion as to WHY they won't decriminalize it, not even for medicinal purposes.

It is about money. Plain and simple. They make more off it being illegal.
100% true right there, they gotta be able to make their jet plane payment...HAH...:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
people will believe what they want to believe, i was on the DEA'S website and that is the most bullshit i've ever seen i almost died of the toxicity of the bullshit i was seeing, and marinol pshhhhh that some bullshit


Well-Known Member
You want to see bullshit that we pay 100's of millions for? Go here:

Office of National Drug Control Policy - Marijuana

100% pure, uncut, Bullshit.

Our fucking tax dollars at work?
omg i'm dying u guys, i feel faint, i've just had a complete bullshit attack it's shutting dwn my system with it's lies i dnt think i'm gonna make it!


once again weed cures, me:o shocking to the fucking dea i'm sure

i hate them so much


New Member
Does anyone other than me wonder how many prescription pill bottles are in the medicine cabinet of DEA employees and drug law advocates? Amazing how they can't see through the bullshit of their own invention.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This comes to the part of the discussion as to WHY they won't decriminalize it, not even for medicinal purposes.

It is about money. Plain and simple. They make more off it being illegal.
This was topic of conversation among myself and some other people the other night..and we all also came to the conclusion..They make more money off it being illegal..and they would have no way to regulate it , if it were legal..but to decriminalize at state level..could work out for all us..and look Mass. just did it. medicinal passed finally...and it's all a process. and just because I thought this was cool..I gotta tell ya guy's... I seen Montel Williams on a big ass billboard sign..supporting Michigan's proposal 1....i thought that was kinda cool.....