QAnon & the Republican Party

tRUmps whore cut down the trees that Jackie Kennedy planted in the rose garden.
Screen Shot 2020-08-23 at 8.23.27 PM.png
Trump once again tearing down American history.
The RNC has announced that the convention will have no platform. That's because cults don't have platforms, they just do whatever the dear leader wants.
They're platform is to parade a pile of buffoons named Trump mostly, to try too con the American public again that they are the right path forward.
Wake the fuck up America!!!!!
We've witnessed 1st hand what Trump has brought upon this ONCE proud Nation.
Death/Calamity/Division/Discourse, that's the new norm under Trump.
Fuck this shit,
Hopefully we're better than that, but we shall see on November 3.
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They were not cut down.

They're still alive, bundled up in large soil bags to be replanted elsewhere.

I'm sure one of the first things Joe will do is have them put back.
After disinfecting the entire white house from the germs all these Covid cultist leave.

I looked at this picture again, got to love the shortsightedness of the Trump's, now you can see the crane in the background where the trees used to block it.

Did they do this just to get the sidewalk? Walking on the grass in Trump's high heels must be a nightmare.
Anyone seen anything about this yet? Doesn't sound like it's confirmed yet or entirely certain that this is the guy himself but possibly shows connections to a bunch of far right groups and websites, 8chan, dailystormer and more. Anyone adept in internet lingo able to tell if this is significant?

Don't know much about the guy but sounds like a real character. Has his fingers deep into the fake news industry.