Help!!! Smoked today-Mouth swab tomorrow!


Active Member
Is there any chance i can pass? I smoked at about 5pm and i have a mouth swab tomorrow at lowes at 1 pm. Is there anything i can do to pass?
keep a lil bit of water in ur mouth and make sure when u get swabbed they swab the water in yo mouth or somethin........
Is there any chance i can pass? I smoked at about 5pm and i have a mouth swab tomorrow at lowes at 1 pm. Is there anything i can do to pass?

You know what would have been a good idea? Not smoking. You're probably screwed.
yea, you're fucked.
have you ever done a saliva test before?
you basically stick a q-tip kindof deal in your mouth.
it absorbs your saliva and expands.
it's not exactly a quick process either (mine took about 3 minutes).
then they do the whole chemical reaction thing.
i don't think there is any feasible way to get around it.
you can try using mouthwash right before, but i highly doubt that would do it.
Damn and the reason i smoked was because lowes hasnt called in like two weeks so i assumed i didnt get the job.
i worked with a kid tht passed it and he smoked tht day... those tests suck... he jst used mouth wash ( took it to work everyday with him )... jst brush ur teeth/ inside of ur cheeks... n use mouthwash... ull b ight
umm... i'm going to call bullshit on that one.
my boss showed me the area that showed detection of thc.

there was a High Times that had an article about all the different types of drug tests I already threw it away but it said mouth swabs can't detect THC...
yeah you might try mouthwash.... or some really hot jalepineo (sp?) peppers?... they might burn the shit out cuz it's a fuck of an acid.... buuuut.. yeah.. bad timing bro.. lol.. bleach.... yeah that too.. but yea you might be fucked =s