Here we go:
I had used a standard Mason Jar (the first time I attempted this method). But. I have moved to using a slightly wider (plastic, vacuum) jar. The vac seal means I can remove the lid easily with one hand (and I can make a partial vacuum by simply sucking the air out of the jar, through the vacuum hose hole, with my mouth
The simple sieves I have used (you could get better/finer ones).
This run, I only used the two large sieves (to run the mix through). I did use the fine sieve, if I noticed any 'green' floating in the mix (after passing through the other two sieves).
Jugs for capturing the concentrate (after passing through the sieves)
I have added a few steps here and there. Hopefully its not too convoluted and you can take it/experiment where you want to.
1. Using scissors, cut up the buds (to facilitate head removal) into the jar.
2. Then add Ice and some water to the mix (I used 500ML of water - a small spring water bottle size). The water was all cooled in the fridge overnight..
Did a quick temp. check:
3 minutes in the freezer helped drop things to 33/35 Celsius (any lower and ice crystals begin to form inside the jar
35c and ready for some shaking. Advise having some cooking gloves (keeps things cold and your fingers warm!)
Shake, Rattle and Roll:
At first I avoid 'up and down' motions (in case it is too aggressive and causes 'green'). Although I did increase agitation through the washes (watching the water colour all the time). By the last wash ..I was definety giving it some up and down action! (it didn't draw out much green in the final run anyways).
First wash (5 minutes), on the horizontal plain -
I'll swiftly move the jar in a continual figure eight pattern (think 'infinity symbol').
Other motions:
A fast forwards and backwards motion will cause the mix to spin inside the jar. Do that, and also rotate in circles (always on the horizontal plain).
Reverse the directions.
You can also quickly interchange directions, this seemed to cause the ice to collide with more green matter.
From those basics, you'll find your own preferred methods to add
At minute 4 mark; I put the jar in the freezer for a few minutes.
Then, about one more minute of shaking before 'sieving'.
First wash, after 5 minutes of shaking:
While water is still spinning, I open the jar and pour through sieves. Once mix is in the sieves, I do a quick wash of the jar and then run
fridge cold water over the mix in the sieve (to grab some of the bound up heads)
Next, I scoop out the majority of the mix (from the sieve) with the jar. The rest, I use a spoon (tapping the side of the sieve to release any difficult green matter).
"There be gold in the pan!"
And so we reach the ten picture limit. On to the next post