10x10 Grow Room


Active Member
I just joined this sight and have spent the last 3 hours reading over lots and lots of threads. I have a question and would like all the advice/input I can get. I have the chance to build a groom at a max of 10x10. I plan to cool it with a wall a/c unit. Venting it up through the attic and out the attic vent. O and I plan to grow in soil. I would like to get your advice on lighting, filter system for smell. Along with anything that you think is important to a great grow room. I am setting my budget for the room at aobut $3,000 - $4,000

Thank you in advance for all your help


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site my friend! :joint:

That's an excellent space and budget mate...I'm quite excited for you man. You can create a very cool indoor grow setup with that.

You're a bit vague with your question though, so I'll just give you my initial thoughts.

Get online and shop!! :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Seriously though, with that budget, I'd be looking for a 600W vented HPS man.

You will need fans for intake and exhaust. A bigger fan on the exhaust than the intake, or use a passive intake. Get a carbon filter for sure.

You'll probably be wanting to separate that room into 2 areas. Veg and flower space for differerent lighting and cycles. NO light from the veg room must leak into the flowering space. You'll need to budget for some materials to create these spaces and think about how you can vent both areas most effectively.

I'd use flouro or CFLs for the veg room lighting, but you might want to go for a Metal Halide light. Read up on it.

A hygrometer for montioring room temp and humidity is essential. one for each space.

You also need an osciallting fan in each space to circulate the air.

Do lots of research man so you know exactly what you want to achieve from this space. Watch all the videos in the video section on this site, then look for more on the internet and post them on here when you find them! ;) I think you'll find the Mr Green one very useful as he creates 2 growing areas in one room, it's quite funny too. If you have any more specific questions, just let us know mate.....good luck and have fun! :mrgreen:


Active Member
Thank you Snowhite...

I have an extra $1,000 that I have set aside for the lumber, sheet rock and other materials need to build the room. I will be building in a 3 car garage. The room will be framed and instulated as any other room in the house.

I plan on reading more on this site (which I have found to be great in the short time I have been on) and others around the net. I am so new that I dont realy know what I need to ask. I plan on running a passive system (exhaust fans only with carbon filters no intake fans) My biggest question was on lights. I still need to read a lot about this topic. I plan to start the build in the next 4 weeks.

My goal is produce an average anuall crop of 16 ounces a month. LOL... that is a long sentence to just say a pound a month.

I guess I am hoping to get some tips and advice to go along with my own research.

Once I get started I will take pictures of the build.

Thanks again all


Well-Known Member
sweet, you got the right idea man.....just keep on reading!

Can't wait to see pics when you get going. You should start a journal.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, just remember, whatever size the room ends up being, you need to replace all that air in about 5 minutes or less. Just for simplicities sake, say your room ends up being 10x10x10 thats 1000 cubic feet. Now, if you split the room in two, that's 2- 100 cfm fans. That would replace the air in each room, in about 5 minutes. Just make sure the carbon filters can handle the fan throughput. With the carbon filter you'll need bigger fans to compensate for the resistance of the air flowing through the filter.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
What type of soil grow are you planning on doing? Trees? SOG? SCROG?

How much of the 10 x 10 area will be used for flowering?

Growing from clones or seeds?

A bit more info will help folks help you zone in on what you may need.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
I live in CA and can "legaly" have about 12 plants. I am going to go a few more than that though. I have read about SOG and love the idea. However with about 4 plants per sqft I would be looking at about 100 plants. I really do not want more than 30-50. I need to research what type of soil to use. I know I will not be using Miracle grow soil because of the ph levels. I posted a topic of the same nature in the Grow Indoor forum. I am trying to see what other people with way more experience would do and go from there.

I am basically looking for opinions on what is the best way to grow indoors using soil in a 10x10 room.


Active Member
I did not really answer any of your questions.

I plan to grow using the Tree method

I plan on using clones

I had planed on using the entire 10x10 area to veg and then flower. However after input from an above reply I think I will make two seperate rooms each 5x5 one for veg and one for flowering.

Input Ideas on that?


Well-Known Member
Scorp, I am assuming you intend to sell some of your crop? Anyway, you've already gotten some excellent advice. 10'X10' is a nice size, more than ample if you are growing just for personal use and enough for a decent resale op. In addition to a veg and flower room, remember you also need a place to dry and cure. The more plants you have, the bigger that space will need to be. It also needs to be cool, dry and dark. You said you intend to clone, so you need a room for the mothers and clones to veg and another for flowerings. For a 5'X5' veg/flower area, I'd say you could get very nice production from a 400 MH for veg and a 600 HPS for flowering. The bigger the lights, the bigger the buds, but the more heat you'll generate and the higher your power bill. Good luck!


if you like the sog growing so much, SCrOG growing might be a better option to keep your numbers down...

even with your 12 plant limit

the way i would do it -

600w MH lamp for veggin 6 plants in a 3x3 foot space (maybe a bit bigger, depending on if you want working space in there

1000w HPS lamp for a 5x5 foot flower room, with a 5x5 screen of chicken wire (read up on scrog to know exactly how to make the screen and room...)

the 600w mh will veg the plants out real well and i don't know about a pound per month, but you could harvest ever 6-8 weeks...

also, i would get cool tubes and ducting for your lights, to help keep temps down, and with your budget, i think that would be a great option

don't forget about a co2 setup - and with the ac unit in the room you could do a propane burner or something and not have to worry too much bout the excess heat


Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome to the site. If it were me, I'd use 2/3rds for flowering, and the rest, I'd maintain a mother or two and veg in there with T-5's or even CFL's.

Than I'd get a couple of 750's in there. Someone previously pointed out changing the air every 5 minutes, but more importantly is going to be your temps, dont look at ventilation as an after thought, plan ahead.

Changing your air every 5 minutes won't be enough to cool the room.
You need to do something radical if your in Cali, the temps there are hot, and the lights will give off tons of heat. Since your legal, why not get a whole house fan, or an attic fan? Something controlled by a thermostat, that comes on whenever the temps reach say, 76 degrees, which will be most of the time.

If all you did was exchange the air every 5 minutes, your going to have heat problems. This is going to be your biggest challenge.


Well-Known Member
Think of like this. Mother plants, clones, flowering plants, and curing plants all require different enviroments. ( light cycles, temps, humidity level) when designing your rooms keep this in mind. Good luck and happy growing....


Well-Known Member
5 x 10 flower rm .... 7 x 5 veg mother clone rm .. 3 x 5 area curing .... 2 400 watt Hps for the flower rm ...2 -T5 48in flouro and maybe 6 clfs for veg and mother & clone rm .. frame it out, use mylar or foam sheets as the rm dividers and like they said seal all 3 areas so you don't get light leakage.


Well-Known Member
I just joined this sight and have spent the last 3 hours reading over lots and lots of threads. I have a question and would like all the advice/input I can get. I have the chance to build a groom at a max of 10x10. I plan to cool it with a wall a/c unit. Venting it up through the attic and out the attic vent. O and I plan to grow in soil. I would like to get your advice on lighting, filter system for smell. Along with anything that you think is important to a great grow room. I am setting my budget for the room at aobut $3,000 - $4,000

Thank you in advance for all your help

you can easily get there on this budget 3x 1k lights 10k btu A/c with co2 and raise 35-45 big mama's


Well-Known Member
if u have that much room to work with like a reply up above use 2/4 of the rroom for flower and the other 1/4 for mom n clones and 1/4 for curing.
if u want a lb a month turn around i wud realy recomend a sog. u can easily pull out 13 or 14 oz's evry 2 weeks from about 20 plants. for example u take 25 cuttings pick the best 20 root them put them under 12/12 right after they have rooted and put ti to there bigger pots. after they are there for about 2 weeks go take some more clippings another 25 "o by the way have the veg lights on as much as possible for faster recovery times.they will be ready evry 2 weeks for more cutting if under 24 hour" anyways back to whatyi was saying take your 2nd batch of cuttings an put them under the 12 12. then do it agin na couple of weeks and then agin so u have a total of about 80 plants in flower 20 at 2-3week flower,20 at 4-6 and so on and so on. strain will also adjust these times. and of course u can use less numbers just giving a example. you will need 6-8 moms to adcheave what i said.
Mr.x out