How to avoid long term effects from cannabis use?

Im not quite the vet Renfro is but I've been smoking almost daily for 30 years. I use anywhere from 3-10 grams of herb per day. I dont have ADHD but can get a little OCD sometimes and herb lets me actually function normally.

I am a self taught programmer and have been working professionally as a developer since 1996. Currently a senior engineer. I definitely disagree that herb affects mental capabilities or short term thinking.

What does affect short term memory however is stress and anxiety. Unfortunately many of us suffer from this, and I think that cannabis users are unfairly stigmatized. Herb can definitely help relieve this, but the wrong strains/curing methods can have an opposite effect and heighten anxiety.

What are your stress levels like in general? I know everyone is at least a little more stressed because of Covid. More water, more greens, more excersise. I know I need to level up on all 3 at the moment.
Structure, eating healthy, excercising, taking a one a day vitamin will all contribute to holding off any long term effects if any.

However, if you have mental health issues or have a family history of schizo affective disorder, long term cannabis use may impact you in a negative way no matter what you do.

Each person is different and will react differently to cannabis than the next person.

Edibles of any strength and quantity have zero effect on me but a couple puffs of a one hitter make me nice and happy and 3 joints knocks me out.

You can always chart activity, health and consumption and see if you have any correlations for yourself and make adjustments to your lifestyle based on that.
All edibles of purchasble strengths in fairly large quantities for baked goods.

I'm one of those rare people that edible don't do what they're supposed to do. They make me full, not stoned.
"Purchasable strengths" maybe. But some home made 1,000mg brownies would get you goin'
"Purchasable strengths" maybe. But some home made 1,000mg brownies would get you goin'
When it comes to edibles, the ones the dispensary sell don't do anything for me but my own edibles will stone a horse for two days. I eat one and I am rickity rickity wrecked lol. My girl ate one bite of some cookies I made, maybe a 6th of a cookie and she was high all day, all night and most of the next day.
Yeah that is extremely dependent on how they are made.
YES! So many folks don't know how to do it the best way. I like to take rosin or in the old days it was BHO and add that to butter or cooking oil (depending on recipe). Using a small sauce pan and a candy thermometer I decarb the mixture on the stove using 250F for about 25-30 minutes depending on how long the final edible will have to cook. Stirring with the candy thermometer allows for accurate regulation of the temperature without fancy gear.

If I am making a batch of cookies and expect to make say 12 cookies I use 6 grams of extract equating to 500mg per cookie. Of course it's not all THC, terps and whatnot are also there but it allows me to get a more consistent product.

Using the extract eliminates the "green" taste. Whats nice is using a lemon strain that has lots of terps to make brownies. You get a hint of lemon with the chocolate, yummy!

There are a lot of ways to make edibles but this method has provided the best results for me.
YES! So many folks don't know how to do it the best way. I like to take rosin or in the old days it was BHO and add that to butter or cooking oil (depending on recipe). Using a small sauce pan and a candy thermometer I decarb the mixture on the stove using 250F for about 25-30 minutes depending on how long the final edible will have to cook. Stirring with the candy thermometer allows for accurate regulation of the temperature without fancy gear.

If I am making a batch of cookies and expect to make say 12 cookies I use 6 grams of extract equating to 500mg per cookie. Of course it's not all THC, terps and whatnot are also there but it allows me to get a more consistent product.

Using the extract eliminates the "green" taste. Whats nice is using a lemon strain that has lots of terps to make brownies. You get a hint of lemon with the chocolate, yummy!

There are a lot of ways to make edibles but this method has provided the best results for me.
Yup I do the same except i use alcohol extract and mix it with vegetable or olive oil. I just use a 1 cup pyrex measuring cup and an ounce or two of oil with however much extract im using for the batch and pop it in the oven at 250 for a bit.
Sounds like depression to me OP.

Depression comes in all shapes and sizes. I thought it was ridiculous when I was told because I'm not curled up in a ball, in a dark room, rocking back n' forth in sorrow. My idea to what depression was.

After talking to a psychiatrist, shit changed for me and things got real clear. Just a thought.

All the other stuff is huge to... ESPECIALLY diet.
I tell everyone!!! Get off the Gluten.. I've suffered from anxiety about the past 10 years. Obviously the Dr's are no fucking help at all. They just wanna put you on some shit.. I've been doing some self experimenting with my diet and as soon as i cut gluten out for a few days I feel so much better physically and mentally.
I tell everyone!!! Get off the Gluten.. I've suffered from anxiety about the past 10 years. Obviously the Dr's are no fucking help at all. They just wanna put you on some shit.. I've been doing some self experimenting with my diet and as soon as i cut gluten out for a few days I feel so much better physically and mentally.
But Olive Garden........... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
answering the original question, checkout nootropics. (ex. gamefacesupplements) never taken any of any brand but, seen and read up on.
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Thank you all!

I ditch the coffee to zero and its better.
The corona work from home definitely not helping, I used to work partially from home, but not with the family in it almost full day...

More water, more greens, more exercises - this is my life, and I am gluten free for years.

Yes there is a higher stress levels but this is not something new only to the corona and working from home.
I feel like my "sharpness" is not as it used to be before I started every evening use, its like a bit foggy mind.

I will use some of the advice here, thanks again.
perhaps take a tolerance break, although tbh you are already only using a very small amount. i try to not smoke/vape for at least an hour before bed, otherwise it messes with my sleep too much.
im always much more groggy in the morning if i do.