
I see people here are still obsessing over the great virus hoax still, that's funny people in my location have been walking about in stores without masks and so have I, it's patriotism, we don't have to surrender to some fake Chinese hoax virus agenda, because that's all it is and has been.

The covid hoax is unravelling fast ladies and gentlemen.

Yup the covid hoax failed, sure enough, just like we knew it would, ya know since the zombie virus never manifested itself, therefore it does not exist.

This forum has shown a lot if allegiance to the covid narrative, sad reciprocal inferior herd group think, so yeah your all lagging behind if your still stuck in covid communist manifesto delusion....the Big Lie :-( shame shame.

I'd hate to be blindly following a foreign narrative like some of you are, not to be a mallard or anything.
If there were any remaining doubts, the behavior of a large sector of our population toward their fellow citizens under the ravages of COVID-19 confirms that our culture is empathy-impaired, even bordering on the psychopathic.
I see people here are still obsessing over the great virus hoax still, that's funny people in my location have been walking about in stores without masks and so have I, it's patriotism, we don't have to surrender to some fake Chinese hoax virus agenda, because that's all it is and has been.

The covid hoax is unravelling fast ladies and gentlemen.

Yup the covid hoax failed, sure enough, just like we knew it would, ya know since the zombie virus never manifested itself, therefore it does not exist.

This forum has shown a lot if allegiance to the covid narrative, sad reciprocal inferior herd group think, so yeah your all lagging behind if your still stuck in covid communist manifesto delusion....the Big Lie :-( shame shame.

I'd hate to be blindly following a foreign narrative like some of you are, not to be a mallard or anything.
If you really believe that I adjure you to go to your local hospital and volunteer in the ER or on the infectious disease ward. They need help.

Please show us how wrong we are. Sitting home, behind a computer screen, trolling people won't convince anyone.
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If there were any remaining doubts, the behavior of a large sector of our population toward their fellow citizens under the ravages of COVID-19 confirms that our culture is empathy-impaired, even bordering on the psychopathic.
If there is such a thing as Covid by Spring much of this disorder will be self-limiting. We are losing > 1000 people/day. The end of the year is approximately 150,000 more lives away. If we get hit hard by flu it will truly be an annus horribilis.
If you really believe that I adjure you to go to your local hospital and volunteer in the ER or on the infectious disease ward. They need help.
When we began wearing masks early on in March, the 1st reason I did it was to protect myself. Regardless of the science I felt it was in my best interest. I have empathy for people who have to deal with the crisis while I kick back enjoying life.
Remember the Everlast song I played early on. I quoted you that song because people who can get in other peoples shoes and feel their pain, feel a nurses pain, would all be wearing masks.
If you really believe that I adjure you to go to your local hospital and volunteer in the ER or on the infectious disease ward. They need help.

Please show us how wrong we are. Sitting home, behind a computer screen, trolling people won't convince anyone.
Yeah but if there's no real threat to Society, and theres foreign propaganda behind the true origins of where the covid hoax was conspired, then it would be a waste of resources to begin panicking over it, afterall it isn't the ten diseases rolled into 1 virus that they've made it out to be all year.

I haven't seen anybody sick anywhere, just normal summertime vibes almost everywhere I've gone so far, of course I still see a lot of mask wearer's, but there's also quite a few people who've gone into stores without them that I've seen, even Walmart which has made it store policy to be masked, I took mine off because I saw like 5 others without theirs inside last time.

I believe corona viruses exist, but I don't believe that they change from their naturally ordained order and classification, I don't feel they can mutate beyond what is natural and as to what they were previously observed as being or existing as formerly, I believe that their shape and form have not changed since even before the dinosaurs walked our planet, and I have faith in acellular replication to hold strong to its design throughout the Ages, just as science indicates that it has.

Most importantly, I believe the most deadly of all viruses are bloodborne diseases, not airborne, besides influenza of course, most viruses besides smallpox use the blood as their main host, and these are the most deadly known to mankind, not the other way around.

It's as if people had begun a mass hysteria over a non venomous creature that they could not see, and added fangs to it, and spikes, venom, quils, legs, tentacles, classification defying abilities above its observed scientific law/order, hyper contagious, UV Defying, ability to hibernate within its host beyond typical specification, is known to have an affinity for certain races of people, has 37 or whatever different sub variants, travels through flatulence, contains HIV rna sequences, is novel and new as well as man made never existing before our modern time .........etc etc etc.

So yeah I just can't kick the habit, the habit of knowing when I'm being lied to, knowing/noticing when people's body language and speech aren't lining up while their feeding us lies about a fake disease.

I just don't want others being lied to either, I'm not someone who would carelessly infect anyone if I know I'm ill, this stupid virus incubates beyond what is natural, that means it just ain't Real folks viruses replicate and spread as soon as they are able, they don't wait to infect their host, not with these virus types they don't, this isn't blood borne HIV ladies and gentlemen, it's a harmless virus that people suddenly decided to go APESHIT over, that's 100% the reality of this situation.

We are at proxy war with China I promise you, it's not the innocent pandemic that you think this is, your all succumbing to a war tactic through propaganda based bio mind control.

I promise you, don't doubt me please, something bad this way cometh.

I wouldn't dare use the topic of covid to troll anyone, I'm too serious about it being fake to make attempts to delude anyone from the reality and seriousness of this matter, as I've said I believe this is a full blown war tactic on our nation, wake up / stand attention folks I am not someone who would joke about this.
Yeah but if there's no real threat to Society, and theres foreign propaganda behind the true origins of where the covid hoax was conspired, then it would be a waste of resources to begin panicking over it, afterall it isn't the ten diseases rolled into 1 virus that they've made it out to be all year.

I haven't seen anybody sick anywhere, just normal summertime vibes almost everywhere I've gone so far, of course I still see a lot of mask wearer's, but there's also quite a few people who've gone into stores without them that I've seen, even Walmart which has made it store policy to be masked, I took mine off because I saw like 5 others without theirs inside last time.

I believe corona viruses exist, but I don't believe that they change from their naturally ordained order and classification, I don't feel they can mutate beyond what is natural and as to what they were previously observed as being or existing as formerly, I believe that their shape and form have not changed since even before the dinosaurs walked our planet, and I have faith in acellular replication to hold strong to its design throughout the Ages, just as science indicates that it has.

Most importantly, I believe the most deadly of all viruses are bloodborne diseases, not airborne, besides influenza of course, most viruses besides smallpox use the blood as their main host, and these are the most deadly known to mankind, not the other way around.

It's as if people had begun a mass hysteria over a non venomous creature that they could not see, and added fangs to it, and spikes, venom, quils, legs, tentacles, classification defying abilities above its observed scientific law/order, hyper contagious, UV Defying, ability to hibernate within its host beyond typical specification, is known to have an affinity for certain races of people, has 37 or whatever different sub variants, travels through flatulence, contains HIV rna sequences, is novel and new as well as man made never existing before our modern time .........etc etc etc.

So yeah I just can't kick the habit, the habit of knowing when I'm being lied to, knowing/noticing when people's body language and speech aren't lining up while their feeding us lies about a fake disease.

I just don't want others being lied to either, I'm not someone who would carelessly infect anyone if I know I'm ill, this stupid virus incubates beyond what is natural, that means it just ain't Real folks viruses replicate and spread as soon as they are able, they don't wait to infect their host, not with these virus types they don't, this isn't blood borne HIV ladies and gentlemen, it's a harmless virus that people suddenly decided to go APESHIT over, that's 100% the reality of this situation.

We are at proxy war with China I promise you, it's not the innocent pandemic that you think this is, your all succumbing to a war tactic through propaganda based bio mind control.

I promise you, don't doubt me please, something bad this way cometh.

I wouldn't dare use the topic of covid to troll anyone, I'm too serious about it being fake to make attempts to delude anyone from the reality and seriousness of this matter, as I've said I believe this is a full blown war tactic on our nation, wake up / stand attention folks I am not someone who would joke about this.
So you're saying no, you won't go work on the frontlines to prove how false this is?

As for your specious speculation about bloodborne vs pneumonic I await your bona fides. Because as it stands you do not have the education that extends you a ticket to this conversation.
Can we pause the work on covid and go directly to a vaccine for stupid?

Oklahoma teen who tested positive still attended school, officials say
Source: Washington Post,

An Oklahoma teen who tested positive for the coronavirus but did not show any symptoms attended the first day of classes, officials say.

Moore Public Schools public information officer Dawn Jones told KFOR that the teen thought being asymptomatic was a reason to attend school and that the parents had miscalculated the end of their child’s quarantine time.

Administrators became aware of the coronavirus-positive student after receiving an anonymous tip, Jones told the news station.

Moore High School, another school in the same district, had two students and an athletic coach test positive, causing 22 other students who came into close contact with their infected peers to quarantine, according to KFOR. The coach received a positive test before school started and has not completed the recommended 14-day quarantine period.

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Days have been getting shorter almost two months, now w3 are opening schools and playing college football in SEC and others.
Catastrophic spread seems entirely possible by equinox