Should racism be accepted if......

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Maybe take the criticism I gave you and use it in a positive manner, I didn't mean for it to deeply insult you, it was just to bring attention to what I saw from your comments and then the like you left on post #107 didn't add up, you have to admit you gave yourself an opening area to be criticized, but your reaction afterwards left more to be desired as far as inward attraction goes.

I have a song for you, I think we could all use a little patience towards one another.
Anyways Take care darlin.

lol ok Einstein
The op and several others seem like they would be for, and not against UB getting permabanned, you can tell by the way they wrote their sentences that they aren't alright with unclebucks repeated obnoxious stance on this matter, it's rather clear UB is making himself more and more unwelcome here on the forum, and I have no doubts that there are (plenty) others are in 100% agreement with me.
Truce for what?
Don’t you know we’re talking about you in real life? Don’t you understand we’re all laughing at you? Have you no modicum of decency to just disappear?
You’re the delusional trouble maker. I mean genius.
You weaponize forgiveness? Nothing is sacred to your kind.
Where's the weapon you speak of? You noticed she said she doesn't give a fuck about me or what I say earlier in this thread.

I know we have to be patient with you fogD your an ole yearly vaccine supporter, we know you've got a few holes in your brain that you also have to work around, it's ok we'll all do our part to work with you and make sure that you are able to expend your full share here on the forum as well, just send a pm, Ha ha ha ha .
The op and several others seem like they would be for, and not against UB getting permabanned, you can tell by the way they wrote their sentences that they aren't alright with unclebucks repeated obnoxious stance on this matter, it's rather clear UB is making himself more and more unwelcome here on the forum, and I have no doubts that there are (plenty) others are in 100% agreement with me.

You really don't know how it works in Politics and Toke n Talk do you?

Both free-for-all, wild-wild west forums man. Go in either and spout crap you're gonna get flamed! Or you can flame the ones who do.

UncaBuck just says whatever he thinks will push your buttons and he's fairly good at it. This kind of shennanigans doesn't go on in the more polite areas hardly at all.

A forum like this is like a city and every city has it's 'Skid Row' where the seamier side of life hangs out. Polite society can just pretend it isn't there.

Me? I like to go slumming once in a while. ;)

Where's the weapon you speak of? You noticed she said she doesn't give a fuck about me or what I say earlier in this thread.

I know we have to be patient with you fogD your an ole yearly vaccine supporter, we know you've got a few holes in your brain that you also have to work around, it's ok we'll all do our part to work with you and make sure that you are able to expend your full share here on the forum as well, just send a pm, Ha ha ha ha .
You said "I forgive you" without any perimssion or dialogue that could enable healing. The way you used it was more of a curse than anything else.

Go back to your dark place and discuss it with your navel.

By the way, I'm still waiting for your answer. Do you believe the earth is flat? The way you avoid my question says that you do. lulz

what a moron.
You really don't know how it works in Politics and Toke n Talk do you?

Both free-for-all, wild-wild west forums man. Go in either and spout crap you're gonna get flamed! Or you can flame the ones who do.

UncaBuck just says whatever he thinks will push your buttons and he's fairly good at it. This kind of shennanigans doesn't go on in the more polite areas hardly at all.

A forum like this is like a city and every city has it's 'Skid Row' where the seamier side of life hangs out. Polite society can just pretend it isn't there.

Me? I like to go slumming once in a while. ;)

The problem youre getting hung up on is that I'm not fearful of speaking my mind, I'm already a target, my phone is tapped, I don't care who or what happens, the only reason I don't speak often is because I don't have time for inferior intelligence, when I do speak it's because it's something important about a matter to speak up about, but even then I have to see some resemblance of an intelligent input being added to the topic otherwise I typically just scroll on through.

Care is the issue here my friend, I care a lot, but not necessarily about what you think if I know I'm right. Understand?
Stop being such a fag, would you? I told you I'm also diagnosed autistic spectrum, get TF off my case! I'm trying to be friendly here, I was speaking to her not you anyways, I think she's being ugly enough anyways without your prejudice + added negativity.

We've already discussed flat Earth before together in the past, try and stop going full retard so often and I'll take your questions more seriously next time. I'm a globetard wouldn't you know it.
hey, genius, when you say "I forgive you" out of the blue like you just did, it's basically saying "fuck you".

So you are a flat earther? Lulz.
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