First grow issues


New Member
Using 2 parts Pro-mix BX to 1 part pearlite in 7 gallon smart pots - on week 4ish - it's my first grow and I have not kept proper notes.

In a 4x4 tent in my basement. 72-77 temp and 50% humidity. I have an oscillating tower fan in the corner and an AC infinity 8" fan and carbon filter.

I have a home water distiller that leaves me at ppm 0-2.

Napkin method for germ and then rapid rooters (that might have been old) and then first 7-10 days I just added the water.

Then I started to see the lower leaves brown. Thought I had an N deficiency. Added Megacrop to 250ppm. Then I added to 500ppm in subsequent watering. Issue seems to have accelerated.

Maybe lock out?

I did something dumb and sprayed water and Megacrop on the leaves. But that doesn't seem to have made it better or worse.

Doing 24hr photo with 2x240w quantum boards.

pH of runoff is 5.8



Well-Known Member
Considering the type of soil you’re using, I would shoot for a higher ph, more like 6.5. The ph you’re using is more for coco. Try that out first and see how the new growth looks. Anything you do at this point won’t change how the leaves that are already affected look.


New Member
I just recalibrated my pH meter and my runoff is actually more like 6.1.

I have some calcium carbonate lying around. I'll research how to apply it.

My tap water pH is naturally higher - wonder if I should switch to tap water (air stone for a few days to bubble off the chlorine) and pH down? It's only 100ppm out of the tap.


Well-Known Member
I just recalibrated my pH meter and my runoff is actually more like 6.1.

I have some calcium carbonate lying around. I'll research how to apply it.

My tap water pH is naturally higher - wonder if I should switch to tap water (air stone for a few days to bubble off the chlorine) and pH down? It's only 100ppm out of the tap.
that little plant should be in a solo cup till about 6 inches tall then transplant into that 7 gal........or smaller gallon
unless your exhausting heat or for smell which i dont think you can smell anything I doubt you need an 8 inch fan and carbon filter running right now...trying to save you a couple of bucks...
you should research kelp and add some to get the roots going I think you have root issues from being in a big pot and over watered it...add some microbes to the pot....
I dont know what light that bright it is ...maybe its too much for such a small plant...
Switch to 18/6..your plant does a lot of shit during the rest cycle,...
Stop chasing run off ph that number tells you squat...microbes regulate the ph at the root surface...
Might want to hit it with a little epsom salt...

So let me ask you? if you bring a baby home from the hospital would you starve it for the first ten days and then when you feed it would you feed it a huge steak dinner or baby food, meaning you hit it with a hot mix when that mix should of been half of what you did.


New Member
Thanks for the replies.

First change I made is to tap versus distilled to try and raise the pH. I had planned to do that anyway. I initially did distilled to limit variables but it appears all I did was introduce more of them.

One thing I did not mention is these are autos. Not sure that matters re the photo period suggestion?

I will research kelp and Epsom. I have been pretty careful not to overwater and this medium combo seems to drain and dry out pretty fast.

In terms of my initial feed - 250 and 500ppm I believe are lower than the Greenleaf recommended number for the phase. But I have read about people getting nute burn from smaller doses of MC in Pro-mix.

Again thanks for all the tips - I will update with any changes.


New Member
Thanks will try changing photperiod.

For autoflowers I read that after germ you should go right to final pot. Do you still recommend the solo cup route with the added info it's an auto, or no?

Appreciate your help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks will try changing photperiod.

For autoflowers I read that after germ you should go right to final pot. Do you still recommend the solo cup route with the added info it's an auto, or no?

Appreciate your help!!!!
no final pot didnt know it was an auto


New Member
I went to 18/6, raised the ph by switching to declorinated tap water, and added a bit of epsom on the last water. I've let the medium dry out since. These guys are still in rough shape and it seems to be progressing. Are these guys doomed? I feel like I'm 50/50 whether I'm doing too much or too little.


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
That's a lot of nutes for little babies. I don't even feed my Pro Mix plants until they are at least 8-10 inches tall.


Active Member
Basically watch your watering because your watered the foliage with obviously too strong mix. As a noob it's good to know PH will fluctuate on it's own to a point so for mixing you will find a suitable PPM with your watering schedule so you don't confuse yourself in mixing too many different solutions.


New Member
Thanks! So these issues started before I added any nutes which is why I added them. I think I was 2-3 weeks in before I added them - the plants have been super slow. But I have likely overcompensated now.

I guess my ultimate question is: what can I do to save these? Should I water with just water? Flush?


Active Member
I would go with plain water ph under 8.0 and pull brown damaged growth, water until there's a good amount of runoff and let it dry out until it shows it's picking up and need a bit more water...I would worry about PPM schedule being steady and not balancing PH


New Member
So I'm trying to right this ship (by doing less). I corrected the ph by switching to tap water, gave it a good flush until run off was clear. Let them dry out then watered again yesterday. The leaf situation is just not getting better although growth has gotten somewhat better since oh correction. I pruned the dead leaves but every day there are more.

I'm not sure what is meant by PPM schedule. Do you mean nutes? Thanks


70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
She's pretty sad, might be able to salvage it. I would repot it in fresh Pro mix and hope for the best. Right now she is hating life in that pot of nutes.