Biden & Harris :)


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until Harris debates Pence and grills him about his conversion clinics........pray away the gay.
She's going the shred him up.
I wonder if mother will be on stage with him.........he certainly doesn't want to be alone on stage with a woman. Lol.
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Well-Known Member
Biden & Harris are the DNC's way of giving Trump a fighting chance.
He's got no visions and was complicit in every foreign policy disaster of the past 40 years.
She's about the least likeable black woman within a 100 mile radius.
Now say that without choking on trumps dick


Well-Known Member
lol after listening to Diane Rheim on NPR for years I learned to be patient if the content is interesting.
Andrea Mitchell is going through normal aging processes and it shows..if MSNBC wishes to continue her that's on them but the channel gets changed..the constant stammering and struggling to find her words is distracting.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait until Harris debates Pence and grills him about his conversion clinics........pray away the gay.
She's going the shred him up.
I wonder if mother will be on stage with him.........he certainly doesn't want to be alone on stage with a woman. Lol.
he is a married man (his peen belongs to Mother)..look at what happened to Grandpa Pedo Jerry Jr.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I don’t know all the details about her career either. But I admire her ambition and energy with an impressive career as a lawyer and senator , not an easy job for anyone. She will always have haters being a high standing attorney and democratic senator and people hating on her for being a powerful women and being black. I believe she is a good person and has all of the best intentions for doing a terrific job for the American people . She is a class act! She has no ugly skeletons in her closet because she is a decent person. Hopefully you find more to like about her then not to.
I understand why you would get that feeling about her from the debates. She was out for blood. It was a competitive field and she needed to stand out and show her feistiness and ability to fight for the win. I liked seeing that side of her , the fighter and someone not afraid to say how she feels. She will be traveling around the world and meeting some very evil people so everyone needs to Know she is not a pushover and don’t fuck with Kamala , she’s got out back.
A guy could have said exactly the same as her with the same tone of voice and nobody would have noticed. A smart woman explaining to a man why his idea isn't as good as hers with a high minded tone in her voice was like fingernails on a chalkboard to many. I'm glad she put on the performance that she did. I'm glad she didn't to defer to men. Neither did Warren. But this is about Harris. Good for her.


Well-Known Member
he is a married man (his peen belongs to Mother)..look at what happened to Grandpa Pedo Jerry Jr.:lol:
if you listen to his story, it was a trailer park boys theme party on the boat. the moron was doing julian and randy at the same time. julian always carries the rum and coke, and randy always has his pants unbuttoned.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he was posing but his complaint is that Harris and Biden are far enough left for him. Also, "universal healthcare must be enacted now!!!"

Sounds like padaraper.
poor Bernie got left out again. if you've seen The Office, Bernie is gonna beg like Dwight does to Michael: how about assistant to the regional vice president?? lol


Well-Known Member
poor Bernie got left out again. if you've seen The Office, Bernie is gonna beg like Dwight does to Michael: how about assistant to the regional vice president?? lol
actually, Sanders didn't get left out..

EDIT: our word is UNITY