No need to flush water with organics +1
Organic matter contain inorganic mineral-salts, they form their cell-walls.
There is no such thing than "chemical" grow... chemistry is always part of the process... there is organic matter (living or dead beeings of all kind) and there is inorganic matter that never was alive or ever will be. These of your wordings are just the typical false-truisms! Growing organicly without inorganic matter is nearly impossible and there is no reason for it except believing in this non-sense false truism of "chemicals" that "mineral-fertilezers" are made from in your eyes. Thats not true. Mineral feed means feeding "ionised" directly available diluted nutrients of basically inorganic source. This does not mean inorganic matter is forbidden in organics! Thats a false conclusion! Organic fertilers are regulated for what amounts of heavy metals are allowed, they still contain them. Thats why your organic grow usually has less heavy-metals in it. Please educate yourself! The differencing is mineral/organic..... in fact with a organic grow actually in the soil A LOT more chemistry is heppening. With a dead mineral grow, cramping the plants with fastfood, there is pretty no chemical processes excited in the pots, it's just takeup.... it's simply evident, that the mineral-ferts are lower quality than the organic-ferts.
We want the plants hungering to run into total defiency with organic-feeding for the same reason, to maintain less mineral-salts in their cell-walls and fluids inbetween as they dry out as our crop dries out for better taste and smoking just less minerals. So, the except opposite of the excess we want: Defiency
The most obvious is Nitrogene excess, you don't want that on organics, too. It tastes and looks awful to have excess of that in the harvest!
With organics, you feed the microbes in the soil to decompose the dead-organic matter into its ions SALTS exchanging with the plants
In nature plants exchange with them necessary nutes they are low on with mobilising and depositing the sugars they would need to aquire the actual growth in the root zone.
With organics you feed the soil the sugars, so your plants don't need to share theirs but get the nutes, and you have an influence on what nutes the microbes focus by adding those nutes in favor for the plants stage that the microbes decompose. You can give them direction.... that what the nutrient schedule do! In the end you want to stop them sharing the nutes. So you stop feeding the nutes, but still give the sugar. It makes the available nutes/salts/minerals "deplete".... the microbes contain every of it in their living beeing forms, as they have sugar/energy for growing on and requiring a lots of minerals for themselfs.

"Nothing left bro, plant! Look elsewhere..."
In the final stage now, when the nutrient schedelue say last 2 of 10 weeks "flushing", with organics having the "hungry microbes" in the pots that you fed the 1-8th week, now you water plain water, as soft as possible, without additional nutes anymore, but only molasses.
Now what happens is that the microbes have the sugars for growth, but they need minerals too, so they fixate them by consuming them up, leaving none of them for the plants.
By only watering a previously highly organic-additive decomposing soil-microbiome with molasses for 2 weeks the microbes start heavily outperforming the plant getting the nutes. It runs into defiency of all kind.
That works! Just stop feeding but keep a little sugar.... the microbes start going crazy conservative sharing nutes with the plants
Take a look what "Final Solution" does... not that from the germans with trying on the jews... but the actual product from "Advanced Hydroponics"
During the last 2 weeks before harvest it is advisable to water the plants without added fertilizers in order to
It is 100% organic, and it is meant for soil too, not only Hydroponics, in case you doubt it works for soil.
The bottle states: "for all substrates"
Ignore the ppm/EC for organic... the meter can't differ between ionized (ions-form) of the mineral salt itself so small the roots
MUST take them up or a dead organic cell-wall that swims in the water which the plant cannot take up directly at all. Don't ever forget that! The EC-Meter can NOT differ.... both forms "ions" or "organic-matter" add up electrical conducancy to the water. One matters alot, the other: the plants dont give shits for direct-uptake, it needs to be decomposed into ions first.
You do NOT feed your organic-ferts up to the harvest! Thats the most important thing! Or you run the same problem than mineral-grow without flushing! Using RO if possible with some molasses if possible just increases the effect in shorter time! Less chlorophyll is the result! Better taste!