If they were smart they would have released this as soon as it happened.

Our mental health system is already bursting at the seams. Good luck magically getting millions of new trained professionals who want to go out in the real world and deal with people who are blasted out of their mind on hard drugs. Just being a regular therapist is a 6 year degree let alone one that can deal with spun out crackheads. The guy had been driving a vehicle, the cops had to detain him first and foremost.

Seriously, call around and see when the soonest available appointment is for a shrink near you. 4 months? 6 months? More? And who is going to pay the 200$ plus an hour they charge? Not me.
Our mental health system was shut down by raygun and others. Where were you when all of this happened? Or don't you remember? Our joke in the late 70's where I worked was the new hires were from the various local homes that shut down. Don't worry about medical. Trump's got you covered...
Well that’s the first time I’ve seen anything on this. No cable tv. So the whole country has been turned upside down burned and looted because of a man resisting arrest? Yes you get a knee on your neck if you don’t listen. I’m thinking there’s a lot of people in the USA that really have nothing better to do.Go to work don’t take meth. Geez. Now we got all this BLM shit. Have to change names because some eco Winnie says it’s racist.What about the black briefcase?? Why hasn’t that been changed.Fuck me!! Ridiculous.
Well that’s the first time I’ve seen anything on this. No cable tv. So the whole country has been turned upside down burned and looted because of a man resisting arrest? Yes you get a knee on your neck if you don’t listen. I’m thinking there’s a lot of people in the USA that really have nothing better to do.Go to work don’t take meth. Geez. Now we got all this BLM shit. Have to change names because some eco Winnie says it’s racist.What about the black briefcase?? Why hasn’t that been changed.Fuck me!! Ridiculous.
Maybe catch up on the news a bit before commenting.
Well that’s the first time I’ve seen anything on this. No cable tv. So the whole country has been turned upside down burned and looted because of a man resisting arrest? Yes you get a knee on your neck if you don’t listen. I’m thinking there’s a lot of people in the USA that really have nothing better to do.Go to work don’t take meth. Geez. Now we got all this BLM shit. Have to change names because some eco Winnie says it’s racist.What about the black briefcase?? Why hasn’t that been changed.Fuck me!! Ridiculous.
BTW We got this thing called covid now, better catch up on that too, also wear a mask in public, do it to show you care for others and are a patriotic citizen.
BTW We got this thing called covid now, better catch up on that too, also wear a mask in public, do it to show you care for others and are a patriotic citizen.
Yes Americans have Not done a very good job at preventing the spread??Probably too busy complaining ,tearing up shit etc...
Well that’s the first time I’ve seen anything on this. No cable tv. So the whole country has been turned upside down burned and looted because of a man resisting arrest? Yes you get a knee on your neck if you don’t listen. I’m thinking there’s a lot of people in the USA that really have nothing better to do.Go to work don’t take meth. Geez. Now we got all this BLM shit. Have to change names because some eco Winnie says it’s racist.What about the black briefcase?? Why hasn’t that been changed.Fuck me!! Ridiculous.
Racist bootlicker
Why are there always the same 10 people, in the political section circle jerking each other off. For years now. Even head Rollitup Staff admin had to chime in Lol. Do yall even grow cannabis, or are y’all just here to talk shit to everybody. Can’t even go to the what’s new button, or The new posts Area because your diarrhea is all over it
Yes Americans have Not done a very good job at preventing the spread??Probably too busy complaining ,tearing up shit etc...
Yep, if Trump worked to solve the problems instead of bullshiting, America wouldn't be on the rocks today. If Donald spent as much time as he does whining, preening, bitching and blaming others for his failures, you'd be out of this mess like the rest of the world.

It ain't whose in the streets that are the problem, its whose in the White House and those who would keep him there, they are the problem, they are racist traitors, all of them, anybody who votes for Trump, it is what it is.
Why are there always the same 10 people, in the political section circle jerking each other off. For years now. Even head Rollitup Staff admin had to chime in Lol. Do yall even grow cannabis, or are y’all just here to talk shit to everybody. Can’t even go to the what’s new button, or The new posts Area because your diarrhea is all over it
Politics section, if ya can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen, yer useless to yerself and country.