Most Powerful Organic Fertilzers?


Active Member
I'm looking for the highest nitrogen content for vegetive, and the highest phosforous & potassium for flowering. Just peoples opinoins on their favourites, plus price is an issue so looking for cheap ones.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Age Old Organics Grow & Bloom
Metanaturals nitrogen
alfalfa blends
blood meal
bone meal

guano teas are easy to make and are pretty damn cheap.

Tip: Never forget what it is that you are growing. Do ya spend a few bucks for a quality fert...or do ya go out and buy a $400 ounce from someone else 'cus the ferts/equipment to grow with is "too expensive"??

go for the a quality fert and use it 1/2 strength if you want to save $$$.

Otherwise...step right up...we got yer $400 ounce right here...

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
I've bought a box of blood & bone meal today. Was thinking of mixing wormcastings in with that to boost up the nitrogen for veg. Does that sound like a good mix of organic fert??

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
Could be good. I would use it a 1/3 to 1/2 strength that is recommended and I would make a "tea" out of it and use the water to fert the plants rather than mixing it in with the soils. Blood/bone tend to mold/form algae on the top of the soil and in **all** cases...once you mix something in with you soil or you use a pre-ferted soil you can never get it out or stop it from releasing in the soil of you have a problem later. With a tea you can stop using it and stop the intro of nutes.

keep in mind that these are slower release ferts than chemmies.. you need to give em a bit of time to work.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
Yes, I want to make a tea out of my blood & bone meal but theres no directions for this (amounts to mix etc) on the box. It just says you put on the top of soil. I think its because the bone will not dissolve very well. The particles of bone in it are very small so I'm just gonna try it anyway. Just gonna disolve maybe 2 handfulls in a couple of gallons over few days. Does that sound about the right quantities?? Dont want to burn plants.


Active Member
I was thinking about just getting a big bucket or one of them big plastic bins and pouring in some blood & bone mix and leaving it, but the problem is guessing the ammount as its only supposed to be used on the top of soil.


Well-Known Member
I'm looking for the highest nitrogen content for vegetive, and the highest phosforous & potassium for flowering. Just peoples opinoins on their favourites, plus price is an issue so looking for cheap ones.
Take my advice - don't grow organically. Your attitude is all wrong for organic growing, organic growing is nothing to do with the strength of the nutrients, and everything to do with the quality of the organic nutrients.

If you want strong chemical based nutrients - grow hydro, you'll be much happier than with organics, and the nasty chemical nutrients used are as cheap as chips compared to quality Organic nutrients


Well-Known Member
While babygro certainly has one opinion for you, I believe you are not totally understanding the concept involved.

I can understand where you are coming from though, being Italian, we like to think more is always better, it is not in the case of growing pot, especially growing organically.

Growing organically has to do with knowing what you are putting into your body, and usually less is better in the case of nutrients for your pot plants.

It is a weed, and will grow, almost in spite of you, most new growers will "micro manage" there grow. This is not a good thing. Finding a good organic line of nutes is one step, after that, it is obvious, you still need to do some reading, on "how-to".

Check out the FAQ's available here and on many other web sites too, they have a wealth of information, and will aid you in setting out a game plan.

Rather than looking for the "strongest" nutes for your babies, try looking for what strain you might want to try your hand at growing.
Growing bagseed is a crap shoot, and not the best stratergy for a first time grow, in my opinion.

If you have any other questions, feel free to post them, or PM someone.
Good luck to ya dude!

I'm looking for the highest nitrogen content for vegetive, and the highest phosforous & potassium for flowering. Just peoples opinoins on their favourites, plus price is an issue so looking for cheap ones.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with bagseed not being a good choice to start out. In all likelihood unless you do some really good reading before you start your grow you will fail. You'll end up burning your plants, trying crazy things to remedy them, and then unfortunately ended with premature bud or nothing at all. Before you spend money on good genetics I would make sure that you can successfully grow it out first. Sometimes you get lucky on your first grow, I did but that was only through lots of reading. I seen what I could do with bagseed then once I seen how easy it was with using some common sense I bought some seeds. Also being able to seperate males from females early I think is critical if your lacking in the space department. We can agree to disagree on this Video, but I wouldn't spend my money on seeds (unless of course I had money growing out of my ass) ( or there was a local shop nearby). He did already say in the beginning of the thread that money was an issue. If that's the case I would invest more of my funds in the setup of the op, kind of like he's doing now with nutes. I would do the bone meal and blood meal, they are cheap and easy to use. Just don't over do it. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
We will have to agree to disagree on this one SmokerE, I never had much luck with bag seed myself, and too many people end up with hermies too.
It would be a shame to advise someone to do all that work for nothing.
Besides there are some real deals to be had on seeds, if you look.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter how strong your nutes are, if you go for soil or hydro, the plants will only manage to cope with so much anyway.

So say you get something that looks week on the packaging, say for example its grow 5-3-4 or something like that.

There is another one that measures, 20-15-15.

Now while the second one looks better because it looks its a lot stronger you might think its going to be better.

Because you can only give it so much of any of the elements before you burn it, you wont really be making the use of those extra nutes.

What you should be going for is the best nutes, what nutes are best used by the plant. The way to bumper yields from your crops is by giving it what it needs not as much as you can, giving it as much as you can is going to give you a much smaller yield, i.e. 0 because your plant will be dead.


Well-Known Member
We will have to agree to disagree on this one SmokerE, I never had much luck with bag seed myself, and too many people end up with hermies too.
It would be a shame to advise someone to do all that work for nothing.
Besides there are some real deals to be had on seeds, if you look.
You said it never had much luck with bagseed. I take it you didn't buy something before the "mazar". So then my assumption is you "tried" bagseed 1st. This gave you some insight to growing prior to the "mazar" experience.


Well-Known Member
Infowarrior, there's a high nitrogen guano and high phosphorus guano available and both are completely organic. From what I understand worm castings are wonderful and they're pretty cheap. If you have organic soil plus extra worm castings and then just add the nitrogen for veg and phosphorus for flowers you'd probably make it and get 90% of the quality someone that went "over-the-top" gets. You're probably talking an extra $50 for that. It seems to make sense to also consider something that adds the potassium, calcium, and enzymes but good soil from the start may have enough. Anyway, I think the point some people are trying to make is that you don't need the nitrogen and phosphorus "bombs", just a consistent supply of good stuff that your plant can feed off. If you were body building for instance and ate a 24 ounce steak in the morning you'd have tons of protein at that moment but not later when you needed it. I know that's an odd example but anyway. With those guanos you can mix it with your water or lay in the the top soil and it dissolves into the soil when you water.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
how does 8-12-6 sound is that any good? cuz thats what im using. also that my soil has alot of natural nutes. what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
how does 8-12-6 sound is that any good? cuz thats what im using. also that my soil has alot of natural nutes. what do you guys think?
If it's 8-12-6 it doesn't sound like it's 100% Organic, is it organic?

In either case, that's quite high in Phosphorous so go easy with it and start out at least 1/4 recommended dosage, you can always increase it if you need to.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
it says 43% organic base on itso i guess its got some chems in it. ill go slow on it, thanks man:D