Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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LMAO !!!!!! Yeah NASA is getting hammered at you-tube over their "live feed from outer space". So fake and retarded looking. Rrog do you get paid to vomit up this type of propaganda? I find it hard to believe anyone would think this crap is real.
Flat-tards be like, "NASA's live ISS Feed looks so fake" and then blindly believe the most elementary looking photoshop FE models like this. HAHAHA what a bunch of morons.

Isn't it interesting how photos of the Earth always look real, because THEY ARE, while every single Flat Earth graphic looks like a highschooler that barely knows how to use photoshop crafted it?

Oh right!! Flat earth = magical. Sorta like Santa and the North Pole. Flying reindeer and shit. That’s sweet.

well hell, how do I buy a ticket?
In this clip Carl Sagan debunks flat earth theory with a peice of cardboard. Also talks about the fact humans figured out the earth is round thousands of years ago without needing to go to space...just with basic math and common sense.
Many many. He’s a conspiracy theorist in the first order and unfortunately lends credence to the whole nonesense
Carl Sagan did over a 1,000 hits of LSD in his life time. If you have a basic grasp of astronomy you would know that outer space is a lie. Einstein, more so than Sagan was a showman or tourist attraction and nothing more than a Zionist tool of heliocentric propaganda. Einstein's true love in fact was Zionism he was even offered the presidency of Israel. Again. a basic grasp of astronomy=firmament time piece. You Globetards kill me. SMH
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