Icecatcher construction


Well-Known Member
So basically I have a 2'(ft) glass bong, the neck is curvy, with the opening being about 1"

I fill it with cold water, i put ice in the water, but i want more. I want to make an ice catcher out of some sort of material to hold ice somewhere in the neck to see how much of a difference it makes.

I've been brainstorming, and looking around the apt, and haven't came up with much so far. I think the best idea might be to bend some wire. bongsmilie

Any ideas?


Active Member
That wire thing should work...
Just bend it neck shaped and see if it can hold ice...
Btw there is a method you put snow or shatered ice cubes in the bong chamber....


Well-Known Member
i take a mesh like net thing and put about 4 ice cubes in it and position it in the middle of the chamber and tie a string attached to it around the lip of my bong and it works just like a real icecatcher!


Well-Known Member
i take a mesh like net thing and put about 4 ice cubes in it and position it in the middle of the chamber and tie a string attached to it around the lip of my bong and it works just like a real icecatcher!
nice avatar lol!

hmm...i will begin my search for a mesh like thing. The string is so that the mesh can't get stuck?


Well-Known Member
i just dump ice in til it fills up... you dont need a catch
good idea man. but, we dont have that much ice we use trays...our water line to the fridge leaks so turning on the icemaker creates more leakage than its worth.

im leaning towards bending some wire kind of like a glass screen, or in the so that its a tight fit inside but then it expands, stopping in the narrow part of the bend 1/2 way down the bong, and hopefully catching ice