Leaf Septoria or deficiencies?!


Hey guys, these are a few of my autoflowers a couple weeks into flower. Over the last week I’ve noticed some changes in the coloring of the leaves. I’m running on 300 watt LEDs. My soil is a 70% FFOF and 30% perlite grown in 3 gallon pots. One is a 5 gallon. Run off Ph is about 6.7. 18/6 light cycle watered about twice a week until run off. Just started a cal/mag and tiger bloom feeding this week after thinking I may be running into a calcium or magnesium def. Now I’m thinking maybe magnets or leaf septoria because I’m seeing spots on some new leaves closer to the top. Any ideas?8BD7A0E2-4C02-4D06-871C-1E1D4085A54F.jpegD60C3C7A-01C7-49F1-A10D-481E0E7B50CD.jpeg0BC85977-12E9-41E4-BCDE-BDF9128B0C41.jpegDDE316EC-361D-47CF-A5E7-5145D7E36E57.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I want to say P deficiency but idk really. its a deficiency spot though. Make sure your watering properly and that you dont have a root issue. Add in a little humic acid a few feedings and a smidge of microbes once a week or two till a few weeks before you would chop.

If it is a weird deficiency of some nutrient the humic acid probably has it and the microbes will get it to the plant and the microbes will take care of any root issues if there are any, buff them up. I would say kelp instead of humic but your flowering now.


Well-Known Member
Might want to pick of damaged leaves and some here and there blocking light on good bud sites. Make a little less plant that the roots have to support.


I want to say P deficiency but idk really. its a deficiency spot though. Make sure your watering properly and that you dont have a root issue. Add in a little humic acid a few feedings and a smidge of microbes once a week or two till a few weeks before you would chop.

If it is a weird deficiency of some nutrient the humic acid probably has it and the microbes will get it to the plant and the microbes will take care of any root issues if there are any, buff them up. I would say kelp instead of humic but your flowering now.
Awesome, thank you for that! My local hydro store is closed on Monday so I’ll check Home Depot tomorrow, if not I’ll have to grab some Tuesday


Might want to pick of damaged leaves and some here and there blocking light on good bud sites. Make a little less plant that the roots have to support.
I actually started picking off a few here and there off damaged plants. Probably about 4 off of each. Don’t wanna stress them too much. I’m still new to this so don’t wanna do anything too fatal


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thank you for that! My local hydro store is closed on Monday so I’ll check Home Depot tomorrow, if not I’ll have to grab some Tuesday
HD probably wont have it. I use raw brand humic and raw brand bloom microbes. Id say about a tbs of humic for a few waterings per gal and 1/4 tsp of microbes every ten days or so. Just work it in. till about a couple of weeks before you start a flush or chop. And if you do go with the raw brand at the hydro store get the bloom microbes and use it in veg and bloom they are very similar and no need to buy two packages imo.


HD probably wont have it. I use raw brand humic and raw brand bloom microbes. Id say about a tbs of humic for a few waterings per gal and 1/4 tsp of microbes every ten days or so. Just work it in. till about a couple of weeks before you start a flush or chop. And if you do go with the raw brand at the hydro store get the bloom microbes and use it in veg and bloom they are very similar and no need to buy two packages imo.
Awesome thank you! Would you still use the bloom microbe even though I’m using bloom nutes already? I’m using FoxFarm Tiger Bloom which is 2-8-4...possible lockout?