Led vs led choice

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So much vitriol over lights. Jesus you people need to breath. I buy HLG because their customer service is top notch, their diy kits are affordable, and Stephen is a great guy. I once asked him about the proper driver to match a board I'd purchased from them and he sent me one he had laying around below cost and paid for shipping.

I like the fact that I'm supporting American workers who are making a living wage, and I also have a moral objection to IP thieves. Even if their product is on par with the original I still choose to let my wallet speak for my beliefs. I buy things made in china all the time because often there isn't an alternative available, but whenever possible I choose not to support more sweatshops than I have to.

All that being said, i don't go around being a fucking asshole to those who choose to buy baba boards because it's not my money and not my choice. I would also not call people idiots or suckers in I bought something made in China for less than their American made alternative. Fucking breath y'all. There are better things to be upset about than somebody singing the praises of their preferences.
So much vitriol over lights. Jesus you people need to breath. I buy HLG because their customer service is top notch, their diy kits are affordable, and Stephen is a great guy. I once asked him about the proper driver to match a board I'd purchased from them and he sent me one he had laying around below cost and paid for shipping.

I like the fact that I'm supporting American workers who are making a living wage, and I also have a moral objection to IP thieves. Even if their product is on par with the original I still choose to let my wallet speak for my beliefs. I buy things made in china all the time because often there isn't an alternative available, but whenever possible I choose not to support more sweatshops than I have to.

All that being said, i don't go around being a fucking asshole to those who choose to buy baba boards because it's not my money and not my choice. I would also not call people idiots or suckers in I bought something made in China for less than their American made alternative. Fucking breath y'all. There are better things to be upset about than somebody singing the praises of their preferences.
Well said.
So much vitriol over lights. Jesus you people need to breath. I buy HLG because their customer service is top notch, their diy kits are affordable, and Stephen is a great guy. I once asked him about the proper driver to match a board I'd purchased from them and he sent me one he had laying around below cost and paid for shipping.

I like the fact that I'm supporting American workers who are making a living wage, and I also have a moral objection to IP thieves. Even if their product is on par with the original I still choose to let my wallet speak for my beliefs. I buy things made in china all the time because often there isn't an alternative available, but whenever possible I choose not to support more sweatshops than I have to.

All that being said, i don't go around being a fucking asshole to those who choose to buy baba boards because it's not my money and not my choice. I would also not call people idiots or suckers in I bought something made in China for less than their American made alternative. Fucking breath y'all. There are better things to be upset about than somebody singing the praises of their preferences.
Sorry, I accidentally tuned into Fox News a few days ago. I'm still recovering.
You been on ebay lately? And you can buy all the cheap shit you want, I prefer a company with a product name they didn't steal from someone else, a company that I know actually uses the parts they claim to use, That has a warranty that you can actually use if you need to, that asks no questions when you do need to use it. I won't support companies that don't know PPFD from their assholes. Companies that I don't have to pay to send their broken crap back to china, hell, I've had some of these companies want me to solder new LEDs onto their their boards. I've made these mistakes in the quest to save a few bucks. I learned my lesson, you get what you pay for!

20 years ago people like you said the same thing about ebay. And 10 years ago people like you said the same thing about amazon. Enjoy your tinfoil hat. It fits you nicely.
So much vitriol over lights. Jesus you people need to breath. I buy HLG because their customer service is top notch, their diy kits are affordable, and Stephen is a great guy. I once asked him about the proper driver to match a board I'd purchased from them and he sent me one he had laying around below cost and paid for shipping.

I like the fact that I'm supporting American workers who are making a living wage, and I also have a moral objection to IP thieves. Even if their product is on par with the original I still choose to let my wallet speak for my beliefs. I buy things made in china all the time because often there isn't an alternative available, but whenever possible I choose not to support more sweatshops than I have to.

All that being said, i don't go around being a fucking asshole to those who choose to buy baba boards because it's not my money and not my choice. I would also not call people idiots or suckers in I bought something made in China for less than their American made alternative. Fucking breath y'all. There are better things to be upset about than somebody singing the praises of their preferences.

Agreed. If I was rich I wouldn’t mind supporting local businesses and benefit from customer service in a more timely manner. That being said I’m living off an American wage in one of the most expensive cities in the US so I definitely try to save where I can.

In some areas buying American isn’t the smartest choice though. When it comes to vehicles and motorcycles, in terms of affordability and reliability, I’d go Japanese, Austrian, or even South Korean before going American.
You been on ebay lately? And you can buy all the cheap shit you want, I prefer a company with a product name they didn't steal from someone else, a company that I know actually uses the parts they claim to use, That has a warranty that you can actually use if you need to, that asks no questions when you do need to use it. I won't support companies that don't know PPFD from their assholes. Companies that I don't have to pay to send their broken crap back to china, hell, I've had some of these companies want me to solder new LEDs onto their their boards. I've made these mistakes in the quest to save a few bucks. I learned my lesson, you get what you pay for!
Who hurt you? Give me their name and number. I'll take care of them for you.
I've nothing against China, just the attitude of many of the merchants. that sell shoddy products, that steal intellectual property form other companies and do so with impunity because they know it's almost impossible to stop that. That put phony UL and other safety certification stickers on products that have never been tested and half of which would fail. That sell lights using LEDs they had stolen from reject bins, and yes, this really happens more than you think.

And if I do buy Chinese products, I'll buy them from a reseller in my country and pay a few dollars more to deal with someone who I can actually get support and warranty with.

I love the China haters. They all shop at wally world just like the rest of us where almost every item on their shelves that isn't food is made in China. If they claim they don't shop at wally world then you know they shop on Amazon where 95% of everything they sell is made in China. Most domestically manufactured vehicles (i.e. dodge, ford, gm) contain more foreign manufactured components than a Toyota that was assembled in America. Welcome to the global economy. How about your cellular phone? To pretend you're taking some grand stand against made in China is just delusional make America great again fucktard nonsense.
I only do Conservative meth. It keeps me sharp, but I find that I keep having this uncontrollable urge to seek gay sex in an airport bathroom.

I got my foot bumped VERY suggestively by some random psycho at a rest stop while we were taking dumps next to each other. I never said a word. He followed me to the sink and looked at me in the mirror suggestively. I thought I was going to have to throat punch him. But I just walked past him then ran to my car. He stayed inside.
I got my foot bumped VERY suggestively by some random psycho at a rest stop while we were taking dumps next to each other. I never said a word. He followed me to the sink and looked at me in the mirror suggestively. I thought I was going to have to throat punch him. But I just walked past him then ran to my car. He stayed inside.
I had to read that twice just to make sure I was digesting the words properly (no pun intended). That sir, is absolutely bone chilling disturbing. And serves as my case and point why I refuse to shit in a public restroom. I'll pull over and piss in a 20 oz soda bottle in the driver's seat of my car before I'll walk into a public restroom for reasons exactly like that. Very disturbing sir.
I'll pull over and piss in a 20 oz soda bottle in the driver's seat of my car before I'll walk into a public restroom for reasons exactly like that. Very disturbing sir.

This was when I was on the road all the time. You can't shit in a soda bottle, dude. Going to public toilets was mandatory. This guy was creepy looking too. I was seriously prepared to fuck his shit up if I had to.
Your comment is in all likelihood 100% accurate. I'm sure the HLG logo overlay in the corner of the video is what sold it for him. I don't mean for this to be a pissing contest, but there are people on this forum reading threads like this and then making purchases based off of that information. Overpaying for equipment is bad business whether you're making dildos or growing pot. It affects your bottom line and restrains your ability to expand. For instance, a friend of mine in another state bought 2 or 3 of the HLG units when he first started and a couple of those overpriced fluence units. He eventually ordered a few of the mars units off of Amazon with the Samsung LM301b chips and Mean Well drivers to compare against the overpriced units he already had. He wound up ordering 15-20 mars units instead of more HLG or fluence units. Why? He said the mars units appeared brighter than his HLG and fluence units that he paid 2-3x as much for. If there was any difference he couldn't tell other than what he paid to outfit his rooms. He's a business man. That's why he has that kind of money to play with, but he's not in the business of wasting it either. For that reason he bought equipment that has excellent performance, produces excellent results, and for half the cost of the units he originally started with. He just installed 36k mini split AC units and co2 burners in each of his 3 grow rooms. Again, people like him are interested in results and hard data. Not fluff. No HLG. No fluence.
Yeah, so a lot of what you are saying here is 100% BS. I'm not going to get into all of your speculation, but regarding the Mars lights, they haven't used LM301b diodes in their lights until just within the last month, with their most recent light, the SP3000. So, even if what you are saying is true, about your buddy getting a bunch of Mars lights with those diodes, there simply hasn't been enough time for him to get through a grow with those lights, based on how recently they have been released. Also although Mars is finally using Meanwell drivers, they are using a less efficient driver series, not the HLG or XLG series, which are more efficient.

Sorry, I accidentally tuned into Fox News a few days ago. I'm still recovering.
Triggered eh? Derp.
Yeah, so a lot of what you are saying here is 100% BS. I'm not going to get into all of your speculation, but regarding the Mars lights, they haven't used LM301b diodes in their lights until just within the last month, with their most recent light, the SP3000. So, even if what you are saying is true, about your buddy getting a bunch of Mars lights with those diodes, there simply hasn't been enough time for him to get through a grow with those lights, based on how recently they have been released. Also although Mars is finally using Meanwell drivers, they are using a less efficient driver series, not the HLG or XLG series, which are more efficient.

Triggered eh? Derp.
Data mined directly from the product listing page on Amazon for the Mars Hydro TS-3000 with Samsung LM301b chips and Mean Well drivers:
Date First AvailableJuly 24, 2019
Data mined directly from Amazon's review's of the Mars Hydro TS-3000 Dated December 16th, 2019.
The reviewer specifically purchased the unit for the Samsung chips and Mean Well drivers.

PJ Diaz, in addition to being wrong you're also a proven liar. Congratulations. And you're going to split hairs about driver efficiency when there's a $400 price spread between TS3000 and an equivalent HLG unit? You're in the weeds grasping for straws you dishonest little man.
I've nothing against China, just the attitude of many of the merchants. that sell shoddy products, that steal intellectual property form other companies and do so with impunity because they know it's almost impossible to stop that. That put phony UL and other safety certification stickers on products that have never been tested and half of which would fail. That sell lights using LEDs they had stolen from reject bins, and yes, this really happens more than you think.

And if I do buy Chinese products, I'll buy them from a reseller in my country and pay a few dollars more to deal with someone who I can actually get support and warranty with.

It sounds like China violated your butthole in the past and you are still very hurt over it.
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