JACKS reverse engineering


Hi jacks nutrients arent available in my place so i searched to copy the recipe and do it myself.
I worked on the jacks tap water 15-5-20
Here s what i found :
354,5 grams potassium nitrate
123,3 grams calcium nitrate
159 grams magnésium nitrate
160 grams ammonium nitrate
219 grams monopotassium phosphate

Gives a result of 1015,8 grams of mix containing
114,8g pure N from NO3-
28g pure N from NH4+
49,9g P
198,6g K
29,7g Ca
15g Mg

Im pretty close from original
I didnt add micronutrients yet
There are still some purity of salts to adjust and stuff , i think its going right
Hi jacks nutrients arent available in my place so i searched to copy the recipe and do it myself.
I worked on the jacks tap water 15-5-20
Here s what i found :
354,5 grams potassium nitrate
123,3 grams calcium nitrate
159 grams magnésium nitrate
160 grams ammonium nitrate
219 grams monopotassium phosphate

Gives a result of 1015,8 grams of mix containing
114,8g pure N from NO3-
28g pure N from NH4+
49,9g P
198,6g K
29,7g Ca
15g Mg

Im pretty close from original
I didnt add micronutrients yet
There are still some purity of salts to adjust and stuff , i think its going right

I wish I was such a smart cooky and to this.
I just recently found hydrobuddy and saw all kinds of recepies.
How are you avoiding the nutrients from crystallizing, and changing form. There is a reason Jack's and Calcium nitrate are seperate. And the micronutrients are the ones hard to get correct. The amount of some of them is so minuscule, that you have to make a huge batch just to get to accurately measurable quantities.
How are you avoiding the nutrients from crystallizing, and changing form.

Main issue are Sulphates and Phosphate precipitating Ca,
some nutrient sellers (MaxiGro and MaxiBloom GHE are two exemples) have it all mix together in dry mixes.
If you keep your dry mix dry, it should not react. And never prepare a concentrated liquid fertilizer with it.
About changing form, elements in liquid nutrients are always changing form, with an equilibrium depending of various factors including PH.
shows differend formations with Calcium, with proportions of them depending on PH.
This is why you have been told to keep it between 5.5 and 6.5

There is a reason Jack's and Calcium nitrate are seperate. And the micronutrients are the ones hard to get correct. The amount of some of them is so minuscule, that you have to make a huge batch just to get to accurately measurable quantities.

You can buy already dilute liquid chelated micronutrients, and redilute it eventually to get a very precise mesure.
I wish I was such a smart cooky and to this.
I just recently found hydrobuddy and saw all kinds of recepies.

I tried Hydrobuddy also it's very nice. You don't need to be a smart cooky to dig in this,
just read some hydroponics informations non related to cannabis it's easyer to understand, ingredients are the same used by food industry.
I tried Hydrobuddy also it's very nice. You don't need to be a smart cooky to dig in this,
just read some hydroponics informations non related to cannabis it's easyer to understand, ingredients are the same used by food industry.
English is not my first language and a lot gets lost in translation.
If it would be in my native tongue it would be already easier.
I tried Hydrobuddy also it's very nice. You don't need to be a smart cooky to dig in this,
just read some hydroponics informations non related to cannabis it's easyer to understand, ingredients are the same used by food industry.

You a chemist?
I cheated with bagged micros for this recipe.

Attempted to duplicate Jacks 10-30-20 elemental ppm @ 5grams.

it took me a little bit of time to understand your calculations, i never work with gallons ...
i guess you include calcium nitrate, and dont use ammonium?
Hi jacks nutrients arent available in my place so i searched to copy the recipe and do it myself.
I worked on the jacks tap water 15-5-20
Here s what i found :
354,5 grams potassium nitrate
123,3 grams calcium nitrate
159 grams magnésium nitrate
160 grams ammonium nitrate
219 grams monopotassium phosphate

Gives a result of 1015,8 grams of mix containing
114,8g pure N from NO3-
28g pure N from NH4+
49,9g P
198,6g K
29,7g Ca
15g Mg

Im pretty close from original
I didnt add micronutrients yet
There are still some purity of salts to adjust and stuff , i think its going right
Are you making from scratch a brand of nute u like?

I'm literally trying to figure this out and do it also got told am crazy lol.

Download hydro buddy I found it u can put in ur values and it will reverse and decide amounts u need .
Confirm amounts or find better subs. I'm playing with it atm. Its geneius
Are you making from scratch a brand of nute u like?

I'm literally trying to figure this out and do it also got told am crazy lol.

Download hydro buddy I found it u can put in ur values and it will reverse and decide amounts u need .
Confirm amounts or find better subs. I'm playing with it atm. Its geneius
Keep us informed if you are actually gonna make it.
it took me a little bit of time to understand your calculations, i never work with gallons ...
It still puzzles me that with all these calculations they still use ounces, gallons, pints, lbs, etc.
The metric system is the standard in the science world because it is so much easier.
Of course I understand that if you use it in everyday life and you are used to it, it makes sense.
But the metric system is easier in volumes, sizes, distances, whatever.
Ill defo be doing it bro defo defo. I grow alot of different crops in an almost commecial setting having 10 kids a wife a dawg 8 chickens motherinlaws and mother sneak by too.
Trying to get ofd the grid this year. So not only will i be making them.

I will be reverse engineering the raw ingridence aswell sompoint down the line
StArting with chem salts as arw here.
Leading to organics and extracting elements.
Big road big big road but ill get down.

May i add i am hydro full on or coco flood to waste .with hydro urdwc and nft being my faves.
I had to read your post 3 times.
Be aware that not all members here are Americans, and also not all members are familiar with all the slang :)

Would love to see your upcoming posts on this subject.
I had to read your post 3 times.
Be aware that not all members here are Americans, and also not all members are familiar with all the slang :)

Would love to see your upcoming posts on this subject.

Haha thanks bro. I see mostly American here lol they don't understand me either the UK folk have a real hard time lol.
I think I'm just totally baked and the phone doesnt like my fat dry green fingers.

I'd like to see all ur workings also. What feed lines your basing your makings off or are you targeting cannabis profiling npk like the Lucas formula did just more exact? As I know that npk score to be spot on but utilising that effect close to based off the 3 part using 2 part..I'm wondering if we can get even closer creating it from scratch instead of some elements falling shy or slightly high.

Here's a cool link
As I know that npk score to be spot on but utilising that effect close to based off the 3 part using 2 part..I'm wondering if we can get even closer creating it from scratch instead of some elements falling shy or slightly high.
That is the question: Are the NPK numbers of FloraNova spot on?
I doubt it, and here is why: There are so many strains that all react different. So what works well with blabla berry might not work with blabla kush. Then there is the water were you live. Even if you know that your water has an EC of 0.4, you don't know what elements are making this numbers up.
Also there is the climate. There is a huge difference in running your room with a high VPD or a low VPD. Some minerals, such as Calcium for example, are almost exclusively absorbed passively. This means that with a poor water transport inside the plant, calcium problems can quickly arise. So if you run a high VPD (high temperature, low RV) as many growers do to prevent botrytis, then you maybe have better results with a brand with more Calcium.

Where I live there are many growers who use Yara Brown combined with Yara Calcinit. With great results and low costs. The NPK numbers are not the same as GH FloraNova or GH Lucas Formula with the tri-part system.