Lockdowns work.

Fear mongering is the business model of all government which individuals haven't explicitly agreed to be part of.

Every time you mentally masturbate that there is any significant difference in how either party operates, Jesus cries a little bit.
I disagree, I was a government worker from 1989-2010. I grew up in a very conservative state. I own firearms and believe in the 2nd amendment. The first instance of the fear based propaganda was pointed out to me by my Father during Reagan's campaign adds. This ad coined the term welfare queen, and depicted a single, woman of color, with kids. How she was the problem and would get more of their taxes if you didn't vote for Reagan. Point in fact, he ended up raising taxes 11 times lol. That stuck with me all my life. Now days ultra Bible belt conservatives are even more easily fooled. But now they use terms like Anti-religious, Gun confiscation, open borders. Anti-police, defunding police, and Muslim to scare them into voting for them. The moderate right and Common sense Democrats tend to focus on change, hope, education, and taking on the 1% Amazon posted over 12 billion in net profits 2 years ago. Federal taxes paid? $0.00. History has proven over and over that America prospers when the middle class are above the poverty line. The only fear propaganda i see from the left is telling voters the 1% isnt gonna stop keeping the middle class under their boot heels
The only fear propaganda i see from the left is telling voters the 1% isnt gonna stop keeping the middle class under their boot heels
Oh, you met @Padawanbater2 , have you?

The best propaganda is true. There are other elements, such as bias, single sided arguments, de-humanizing opponents, and especially, repeating the same message again and again. But the best propaganda is based on facts. A big difference is intent. News and opinion pieces seek to inform so that people can decide. Propaganda seeks to influence.

It's not wrong to say the 1% is intent on staying in power. It is propaganda to say that boot heel stuff though. I am bothered when I see a picture of a cop with his knee on the neck of a dying man but that's a different story. I don't really think that should be a partisan issue.
Sorry I wasn’t trying to be rude, I spend all day talking about that stuff. But yes we do pretty much everything you mentioned with engineered units. It’s all based on air changes per hour.
Just having fun Budley, I'm here to do that too. Actually I thought the response to be pretty good, considering...
stoned rambling. I apologize in advance.

Humans are the dominant species on earth because we use our brain to defeat anything living- usually by eating it.
And the laws of Physics in lots of ways. Give us a problem or something that could use us as a primary food source and we win- every time, fk we will farm the buggers.
We are in space.
Is it part of Humans downfall that some don't want to come together and fight something that is out to kill us. Is it how we cull our selves? Did the same kind of people exists in the plaques and viruses that have decemated our numbers in the past. Are they not as evolved or maybe as well as evolved but for a different reason? Could it be a DNA trait?
Are they in the majority?
We encourage and train intelligent gifted people, to give us advice- and then we don't listen when these brains we have trained to help us survive tell us what we need to do.
One trait was to fight it. Jacinda Ardern or perhaps a couple islands in the South Pacific would be the best example and the other was to give in lots of examples here. Trump and Boris for a start but many, many.
These are proper questions... not some stoners. Fact.

They re definitely the same people. The more you look into it in that sense, the more it resembles it and everything makes sense. You could call it social automation.

Is harder for older peeps to get acclimated to the new constantly. So every many years theres crisis so that all the new practices/ knowledge of every aspect of our lives (science, tech, everything) gets implemented for humanitys benefit, in bulk. Plus its a gift for the younger to get a front. Is like the tectonic plates where pressure builds and builds till its done. Behold NATURE of everything!

Things in general couldnt be better than what they are now! NOW NOW. Not later or tomorrow... NOW.
What do you mean couldn’t be better???
stoned rambling. I apologize in advance.

Humans are the dominant species on earth because we use our brain to defeat anything living- usually by eating it.
And the laws of Physics in lots of ways. Give us a problem or something that could use us as a primary food source and we win- every time, fk we will farm the buggers.
We are in space.
Is it part of Humans downfall that some don't want to come together and fight something that is out to kill us. Is it how we cull our selves? Did the same kind of people exists in the plaques and viruses that have decemated our numbers in the past. Are they not as evolved or maybe as well as evolved but for a different reason? Could it be a DNA trait?
Are they in the majority?

it's always been like this..we've evolved technology but human evolution takes longer than a few generations therefore we are them, still.