
Ever make jelly with those?

Jump up jelly?

Johnny Jump-Up Jam (adapted from The 3 Foragers)
makes roughly eight 4 oz. jars

See the source image
View attachment 4636013
Jump up jelly?

Johnny Jump-Up Jam (adapted from The 3 Foragers)
makes roughly eight 4 oz. jars

See the source image

Yeah it's pretty good and well pretty.
While I’m not in the habit of posting vids here, this one is special to me.
Every few years while I was a kid and teen, our family would spend a few summer weeks in Vienna every four years or so.
The city’s great cathedral (der Stefansdom) has a great bell (die Pummerin; “the Thumper”) and I never heard it live. Sorta wish I did.

At least the modern Net allows me to get an idea. I do love the sound of Europe’s church bells. Grandmother lived catercorner from a church, and there was a sequence of two bells that made for an authoritative 7:45am alarm.

Here’s Thumper. I can only imagine how much richer the sound is when heard directly.

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While I’m not in the habit of posting vids here, this one is special to me.
Every few years while I was a kid and teen, our family would spend a few summer weeks in Vienna every four years or so.
The city’s great cathedral (der Stefansdom) has a great bell (die Pummerin; “the Thumper”) and I never heard it live. Sorta wish I did.

At least the modern Net allows me to get an idea. I do love the sound of Europe’s church bells. Grandmother lived catercorner from a church, and there was a sequence of two bells that made for an authoritative 7:45am alarm.

Here’s Thumper. I can only imagine how much richer the sound is when heard directly.

Bet that moves your bones!