Hello there, organic growers.
I've been looking for information on BioCanna for a long time and NEVER find anything. I haven't found a single grow in countless searches with the BioCanna system exclusively (i.e.: Bioterra soil, BioCanna nutes exclusively, no third party additives).
Every grow I've seen using BioCanna involves using a whole bunch of external products, compost teas, dolomite lime, ferts from other companies, a long list of additives, etc. Basically, in all of the grows I've seen that used BioCanna, you could pretty much remove the BioCanna and get the same result. It was almost used as an additive instead of a main fertilizer.
I even tried to look at "regular" horticulture sites. Nobody seems to have used it for anything. Not for tomatoes, peppers, flowers, nothing.
The only two pieces of consistent information about this line are as follows: BioTerra is full of fungus gnats, and the BioCanna line makes the best tasting weed ever.
The BioCanna site is so completely devoid of information that it almost looks like a scam site. They even make some ridiculous claim about it not risking to carry Avian flu (seriously, WTF? Why not AIDS while you're at it?). I also don't like how Canna seems to want to distance itself from BioCanna. You can't find BioCanna on Canna's Web site. You have to go to a separate one. Why would they do that?
The only conclusion I can come to is that it's simply not a complete system and that it simply can't work on its own, and that it's not even worth trying. I'd love for such a system to exist, but if I have to start making earthworn castings tea and all kinds of shit in my condo, it's just not worth my trouble.
Is my conclusion correct? I'd love to give it a try, but with NOTHING to even suggest it works, I'm not spending 200$ on the full line.
I know this is a bit old bit I have used the full line solely for all my grows (I'm on my 4th) and they're brilliant in my limited experience. I have hard water (7.0 ish) and I never pH as instructed by the manufacturer, and I have a less than ideal setup and I ALWAYS struggle with high temperatures and getting my VPD in check. I got a pH pen just out of curiosity and the nutes pH down automatically to 6.5. so no need to pH. Anyway, that said I got 7.5 and 7.8 g/pw my last two runs so considering that I'm a movie and my environment isn't really up to scratch I'd say worth the money all day every day.
That said I have had issues with fungus gnats but this time none at all, so I think they my well have that sorted.
What I did notice first time round is that if you're vegging for only 3/4 weeks you definitely don't need the vega because the soil has plenty nutrition for that space of time... In fact I learned about N toxicity for the first time because of that lol.
Friends of mine that have smoked with me always say "it's a nice smoke" and "it's not at all harsh...". It's idiot proof... I would imagine you'd have to do something majorly wrong to fuck up with it.
Hope that helps