Trump is going to lose in November

Jeez Amber.

I stuck it out and said he'd win. But I'm not prescient.

I don't know which states. I can tell you for certain it won't be one of the west coast ones.
It’s ok .Use your intuition.
I look back at this maps to Try to figure it out. No pressure , for fun!

1996 where we can see turned blue and good chance to again and adding more states this time like
Texas and Colorado And Virginia . I wish from living in Ok I could get a pulse in this state but it such a weird place .
It’s ok .Use your intuition.
I look back at this maps to Try to figure it out. No pressure , for fun!

1996 where we can see turned blue and good chance to again and adding more states this time like
Texas and Colorado And Virginia . I wish from living in Ok I could get a pulse in this state but it such a weird place .
View attachment 4634293

Hey, I can see my house on your map.

It's the blue one! :lol:

It’s ok .Use your intuition.
I look back at this maps to Try to figure it out. No pressure , for fun!

1996 where we can see turned blue and good chance to again and adding more states this time like
Texas and Colorado And Virginia . I wish from living in Ok I could get a pulse in this state but it such a weird place .
View attachment 4634293

From :

States that have a strong polling number for Trump compared to Biden are:

Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Utah, Kansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota.

Book it
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From :

States that have a strong polling number for Trump compared to Biden are:

Oklahoma, Alabama, Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Idaho, Utah, Kansas, West Virginia, Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota.

Book it
Like that much maybe. He is gonna get the shit wiped out of him. It’s going to be embarrassing . I can’t wait to see him pout.
More bad news for the Trump campaign. Well not really bad news, it's good news to the US, but not good for his campaign.

In nearly every swing state at this point, Biden is outperforming Obama and Clinton

Not for the first time, it was a bit tricky to figure out the point President Trump was trying to make when he called in to his friend Sean Hannity’s television show Thursday night.
“You see what’s going on with the polls,” Trump said. “Since — it’s funny, since I did a — I made a speech at Mount Rushmore and since that time, it’s been really something. I mean, before that, really. You have all of these fake, these suppression polls. And just like 2016, when they put out these phony polls, the media.”

Hannity, being a good friend, didn’t press him on it.


In Michigan, Trump trails his likely opponent, former vice president Joe Biden, by nine points. In Minnesota, Biden’s up 13. In Pennsylvania, Biden is up 11.

While Trump and his allies have consistently raised his unexpected victory in 2016 as a reason to dismiss what the polls say, highlighting national polling pointing to a Clinton win in particular, 2020 doesn’t look like 2016 at this point. Biden’s not only outperforming where Clinton was at the end of the election and relative to where she was at the same point in the race — he’s also outperforming where Barack Obama was nationally and in key swing states in 2008 and 2012.

Using data from RealClearPolitics, we pulled polling averages for 10 states and nationally to compare the 2020 race as it stands with the past four presidential contests. Biden’s doing better than previous Democratic candidates were at this point in the past three contests in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas and Wisconsin. In Nevada, New Hampshire and North Carolina, he has leads.

Trump has 100 days and 8 hours to change the tune or start packing. I'd start packing right now if I were him. If I were his lawyer, I'd recommend he assemble a defense team of lawyers too. He should stop spending on his campaign and save it all for legal fees.
Even with the polls showing a commanding lead for Biden, I'm apprehensive in becoming too over-confident.......considering last time.
That being said.......I hope the stable genius is totally embarrassed by the landslide in Nov.
I hope for the same thing,

and you aren't wrong to use the past to forecast what will happen.

I was nervous and concerned throughout the 2016 election. I don't usually use polling data this far out to set my expectations on elections. It's just that there isn't nearly the same volatility that we saw back then. From what I'm seeing, 2020 isn't anything like then.

For example, Pennsylvania, a battleground state that Trump won last time around:


That same flat erosion of support for Trump is evident in every battleground state that Trump needed to squeak out his MINORITY win through the electoral college.

Biden is even with Trump in TEXAS, where he thumped Clinton.

But most here are like you. It IS too early to call and a lot can happen between now and then. Also, what I believe is pretty much irrelevant. I'm just putting it out there for discussion. Also to get the Trump trolls blood pressure up. They know I'm right.
I hope for the same thing,

and you aren't wrong to use the past to forecast what will happen.

I was nervous and concerned throughout the 2016 election. I don't usually use polling data this far out to set my expectations on elections. It's just that there isn't nearly the same volatility that we saw back then. From what I'm seeing, 2020 isn't anything like then.
The polls at the end were pretty accurate......Clinton did win the popular vote by millions of votes and capt. bone spur only won 3 swing states by a total of 80,000 votes......only 10,000 in Michigan I believe.

There are major differences this time.
No third and fourth party candidates to take away votes.
There will be no Hillary haters that won't vote.
There will be no pissed off Bernie supporters who won't vote.
A lot of drumpf voters won't vote for him again........the only ones left are the mindless deplorables.

All I hope for is that everyone is motivated and votes.........if that happens it will be a major landslide.
The polls at the end were pretty accurate......Clinton did win the popular vote by millions of votes and capt. bone spur only won 3 swing states by a total of 80,000 votes......only 10,000 in Michigan I believe.

There are major differences this time.
No third and fourth party candidates to take away votes.
There will be no Hillary haters that won't vote.
There will be no pissed off Bernie supporters who won't vote.
A lot of drumpf voters won't vote for him again........the only ones left are the mindless deplorables.

All I hope for is that everyone is motivated and votes.........if that happens it will be a major landslide.