

Well-Known Member
Oh we painted a camaro a very similar color! Black base, light silver metallic (heavier in areas we wanted to make "pop") and then a candy red. It had little skulls and the words "See Ya" on the back wing. Only could make all that out when the light hit it just right. Wonder if he still has that car?
Candy red is one of my fave car colours


Ursus marijanus
Comet update


Yesterday Comet @Neomod made its closest approach to Earth. From my desert vantage it seems to be a bit past peak brightness. But it is below the bowl of the Big Dipper, and a nice naked-eye streak once the sky is dark enough.
Dust tail is maybe ten degrees long, but wider and less distinct in binoculars. Yesterday the coma looked green in my 10x pair.

I expect the comet to fade rapidly now, as it is moving away from sun and earth.