Lockdowns work.


Well-Known Member
Honestly we don’t talk much about that and the last time we were together was two years ago. The discussion was more economic. As far as race I really can’t and don’t comment on that because it’s been 25 years since I was allowed into the States (unfortunate misunderstanding lol) so my first hand knowledge of what is going on there is limited. Also I have no ideal what it would be like to be a person of colour but I’m sure it’s not a very pleasant existence. Also I don’t try and get to vocal as they can be quite devoted to the guy for some reason.
i agree, but there are those of us who are trying to right the wrong..the continual attack..?


Well-Known Member
Not sure if you caught this when it happened, but Kemp said on April 2nd that he had just learned of asymptomatic spread, after every fifth grader in the country knew this. Even if true, he was a fool for saying it out loud.

Excerpt from the story. . . .

Even after Kemp relented, he was widely mocked for saying he had just learned that people infected with COVID-19 could transmit the disease even if they were not exhibiting symptoms. “These individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt bad,” Kemp said during a news conference Wednesday, when he announced his intent to impose the shelter-at-home requirement. “We didn’t know that until the last 24 hours.”

And now he is suing Atlanta and Athens to stop their mask mandate. Mostly because 45 came to Atlanta and the mayor pointed out he was breaking the law by not wearing a mask.
right and in typical trumpy* fashion, he's not wrong..he will go to the ends of the earth to get rid of the law to prove he's not wrong.


Well-Known Member
Well I beg to differ as there is much happening right here at home. The fucked up China response, the fucked up family profiting from a so called charity. The fucked up oil industry and all that goes with it........etc. But as I said, “oh well“ lol. I don’t care what you post, even if you are a Russian hehehe.
I keep an eye on it Budley, but right now the concern is south, I usually ignore American politics too, it was an exercise in futility for a decade, not so much any more, things are shook up real fucking good! Change is in the air Budley, trouble too, he won't go down easy.


Well-Known Member
Sorry fog but I just don’t get the full blown animosity. I know I can have a rousing debate with my partners from south of the border and we are still ok after. They don’t tell me to stop talking about it because I’m Canadian ...... fuck they love Trumpy so it can get intense lol. But yes there are moments that I would like to tell DIY to shut the fuck up lol. So ya I get it I guess lol. Ok carry on ;).
Let's just look at part of one sentence from the jerk:

" Who is the bigger slave James, the black man in the antebellum south, or the modern Trumper, who is a fool, "

He's comparing 400 years of brutal life-long and generational slavery with being a Republican. Followed by more years of Jim-Crow slavery. This crap from DIY is cringe-worthy. There is less wrong with pointing it out than DIY failing to understand. It is offensive to anybody who really understands what he's saying.

Not surprised that Schuy doesn't get it. That white daughter of a bitch reeks of Florida racism.


Well-Known Member
Let's just look at part of one sentence from the jerk:

" Who is the bigger slave James, the black man in the antebellum south, or the modern Trumper, who is a fool, "

He's comparing 400 years of brutal life-long and generational slavery with being a Republican. Followed by more years of Jim-Crow slavery. This crap from DIY is cringe-worthy. There is less wrong with pointing it out than DIY failing to understand. It is offensive to anybody who really understands what he's saying.

Not surprised that Schuy doesn't get it. That white daughter of a bitch reeks of Florida racism.
Slavery or suicide cult, which is worse, well as a slave you can live, the other bunch drinks from a more bitter cup. Slaves gave their children hope, these clowns teach them hate and how to be suckers for every con man that comes along. Slavery sucked and was far worse than most people believe, in the nineteenth century an black slave was whipped with a bull whip and a white British sailor was whipped with a cat-o-nine tails, but one was considered a free man, even though neither had the right to vote, but the sailor did get paid.

Reparations should not be paid for slavery, that was paid for in American Blood, reparations should be paid for all that happened after though and their was a lot. Terrorism is successful often, it worked for the KKK in the south for nearly a century, reparations for that too.


Well-Known Member
Slavery or suicide cult, which is worse, well as a slave you can live, the other bunch drinks from a more bitter cup. Slaves gave their children hope, these clowns teach them hate and how to be suckers for every con man that comes along. Slavery sucked and was far worse than most people believe, in the nineteenth century an black slave was whipped with a bull whip and a white British sailor was whipped with a cat-o-nine tails, but one was considered a free man, even though neither had the right to vote, but the sailor did get paid.

Reparations should not be paid for slavery, that was paid for in American Blood, reparations should be paid for all that happened after though and their was a lot. Terrorism is successful often, it worked for the KKK in the south for nearly a century, reparations for that too.
Just shut the fuck up ignoramus.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Slavery or suicide cult, which is worse, well as a slave you can live, the other bunch drinks from a more bitter cup. Slaves gave their children hope, these clowns teach them hate and how to be suckers for every con man that comes along. Slavery sucked and was far worse than most people believe, in the nineteenth century an black slave was whipped with a bull whip and a white British sailor was whipped with a cat-o-nine tails, but one was considered a free man, even though neither had the right to vote, but the sailor did get paid.

Reparations should not be paid for slavery, that was paid for in American Blood, reparations should be paid for all that happened after though and their was a lot. Terrorism is successful often, it worked for the KKK in the south for nearly a century, reparations for that too.
Wow I’m not sure what your eluding to here but I gotta say I’m pretty sure you’ve got it way wrong. Slaves gave their kids hope? What the fuck man??? Sailors compared to slaves ....... sorry but WTF are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
Wow I’m not sure what your eluding to here but I gotta say I’m pretty sure you’ve got it way wrong. Slaves gave their kids hope? What the fuck man??? Sailors compared to slaves ....... sorry but WTF are you talking about?
I was trying to give some context, slavery was very bad and I said as much, but there are better ways of exploiting human beings. Racism exists on a spectrum of bigotry and until recent times Irish and catholics were treated like shit by WASPs and denied all kinds of opportunity, tammy hall was the result. I can discuss this things frankly and honestly, if black Americans want reparations, which I believe the should get, if they went for slavery reparations, legal arguments could be mounted, besides many whites would buy the argument about paying in blood because there is validity to it. Everything that happened after manumation and the changes in the constitution are up for grabs and easier meat, the state has a legal obligation to ensure the rights of all citizens and they failed for over a century and a half. Reparations are appropriate for these circumstances legally for sure, but discussing it right now would be a bad idea and not pragmatic, get rid of trump. Reparations are an American issue, for Americans to decide, I won't be involved when the issue arises.


Well-Known Member
I was trying to give some context, slavery was very bad and I said as much, but there are better ways of exploiting human beings. Racism exists on a spectrum of bigotry and until recent times Irish and catholics were treated like shit by WASPs and denied all kinds of opportunity, tammy hall was the result. I can discuss this things frankly and honestly, if black Americans want reparations, which I believe the should get, if they went for slavery reparations, legal arguments could be mounted, besides many whites would buy the argument about paying in blood because there is validity to it. Everything that happened after manumation and the changes in the constitution are up for grabs and easier meat, the state has a legal obligation to ensure the rights of all citizens and they failed for over a century and a half. Reparations are appropriate for these circumstances legally for sure, but discussing it right now would be a bad idea and not pragmatic, get rid of trump. Reparations are an American issue, for Americans to decide, I won't be involved when the issue arises.
You are off your effing rocker.


Well-Known Member
I'll be I could have a real good discussion about it with someone like Al Sharpton, how would at least see the strategic value of the idea before articulately setting me straight, if required.
You couldn't hold a real good discussion with your dog.

This quote from post of yours just a few up from this one:

"Racism exists on a spectrum of bigotry and until recent times Irish and catholics were treated like shit by WASPs and denied all kinds of opportunity, "

The black experience of racism in the US is based upon skin color. What you just said in your post contains the same ignorance we are trying to address in the US. To say treatment of Irish is like race based slavery and ongoing systemic racism ignores the facts that black and other non-white people in the US have never been accepted into the mainstream society. To say they are alike ignores the economic differences between, black and white workers doing the same job. To say they are alike ignores the fact that a person's skin color is always present while their religion isn't.

Also, to say they are alike is to give credence to the arguments made against affirmative action:

Reverse racism
Because large businesses have encouraged diversity and the government has used programs like affirmative action, some Americans have asserted that racism now swings the other way.
Half of Americans in a Public Religion Research Institute poll last June said they believe discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities. But that number is bolstered by almost six in 10 whites (57%) and two-thirds of white working-class Americans (66%). A broad majority of blacks and Hispanics disagree.

In your post, you echoed what most whites in the US said when that poll was taken in 2017. White people in the US don't have the same experiences due to racism, leading to differences in understanding. You pretty much repeated what a Trump supporter says about racism. You and he don't really know because you've never been taught and I don't mean taught in the classroom.

Getting back to the larger part of our argument. As a Canadian, you'll never understand the US. I'm not dishing on Canada here, I'm just saying you don't really know the US. You really don't know much about our issues with race. You just dropped in on the conversation and don't really belong in it. This is why I keep advising you to shut up and listen instead of posting crap. In fact, you have some unaddressed issues to deal with yourself.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
States been covid free for 65 days. (lock downs work)
Looks like we may have another case that's been picked up in Hotel Quarantine (anyone entering the state who is not a resident has to quarantine at a govt quarantine hotel for 14 days. That's changing soon to everyone quarrentines at a hotel i believe)
At the moment its classed as a suspect case. If they were tested today we shall find out tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
If they are positive lets hope it doesn't jump out. Our states very proud of becoming covid free and just enjoying a normal type life with a growing economy so there is allot of calls for an even tougher border.


Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
here we go- results back.

ABC Northern Tasmania

1m ·
#BREAKING: There has been a new case of coronavirus confirmed in Tasmania today, the first in more than 65 days.
MORE HERE: https://ab.co/3jl7vj0
The case is a young woman who has been in hotel quarantine after returning to Tasmania from Victoria.
The woman is currently receiving treatment at the Royal Hobart Hospital, and Public Health Services are conducting contact tracing.


Well-Known Member
Wow! Just when you think you've seen it all....
The English are now protesting against wearing masks...
In the middle of London...
The most heavily populated area in the UK...
Where they're also blaming the black people dying from corona on racism...
No fuckin wonder we can't wait to get away from this lot like. What a bunch of fuckin reprebates.
Still well over a hundred people a week dying there and zero up here. I wonder fuckin why.
Fuck me running.


Well-Known Member
States been covid free for 65 days. (lock downs work)
Looks like we may have another case that's been picked up in Hotel Quarantine (anyone entering the state who is not a resident has to quarantine at a govt quarantine hotel for 14 days. That's changing soon to everyone quarrentines at a hotel i believe)
At the moment its classed as a suspect case. If they were tested today we shall find out tonight or tomorrow at the latest.
If they are positive lets hope it doesn't jump out. Our states very proud of becoming covid free and just enjoying a normal type life with a growing economy so there is allot of calls for an even tougher border.

That's good going mate. What would you say the key things are that you guys done which the rest of us didn't ?


Well-Known Member
Your ignorance on this subject would be laughable. I mean, think about it, (not you, you don't think, but other people) an aged white man in "Canada" is riffing on what it's like to be a black slave. Cringe worthy.

Goodness, that is the perfect example of why people should stick to what they know. You sound like a Canadian Karen right there.
I wanna speak with his manager !