New year, new grow room, new lights, new everything

Good job man. Yea new grown rooms are always a blast. I seriously have a bad habit of spending money on grow technology and supplies than more important things I need to purchase in life. Great job buddy cya around. Oh I see you do know about the phytoclone cycle induced by 660nm and 730nm or otherwise called emerson effect. Just trying to find best possible way to prevent shade avoidance symptoms.
29°/ 70% before, now 30°/ 55%, yeah it sucks, easpecially when you can’t reach in properly. guess i still may have some unnoticed spots, hence the decission to cut earlier.

after that grow i need to turn down everything anyways as they are gonna install smoke detectors (fuck that law). then i’ll upgrade to a 3x2m tent to have a room in a room i can work in and have more air volume with the plant area staying the same 2,4x1,2. should stabilize environment quite a bit i hope (and improve airflow). also reaching every plant again to increace tlc
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oh, smoke detectors sucks, then you have every year a visit now.
take the batts out in between.
... i know a firefighter, first he do when he see detectors.... taking the batts out...they could cause you more harm then good.

bigger tent will help for sure, while wonder a bit that you had so big problems atm,
seems you have lots of flower in a small room, haha.
last time i had a real humidity problem i had 2 tents in flower in a 3x3m room and it was rainy as hell for a long time.
oh, smoke detectors sucks, then you have every year a visit now.
take the batts out in between.
... i know a firefighter, first he do when he see detectors.... taking the batts out...they could cause you more harm then good.

bigger tent will help for sure, while wonder a bit that you had so big problems atm,
seems you have lots of flower in a small room, haha.
last time i had a real humidity problem i had 2 tents in flower in a 3x3m room and it was rainy as hell for a long time.

na, at least they put in some good ones, the batteries are supposed to last a few years. yeah gonna put them out probably, old lady below already managed to trigger them 3x since march, no need for that shit in my life. need to read up about them, as they can be triggered from outside for testing, dunno if they are gonna announce testing before oO

i have no active intake right now, just passive, maybe that caused the spikes, or too much bio mass :rolleyes:
thats good if they can trigger them from outside !, didnt knew they do.
they will notify you for sure, like the chimney sweeper do.

my contact told me, 99% are false alarms due to ringing detectors.
they always know there is nothing, still, they have to make sure.
if youre not home, they have to call the police and then open your door with them.

yes, real good job on these, if you wouldnt have noted the rot, its not to see to the eye.
your hunidity simply is showing that you made lots of fat buds.

your new big tent will be more forgiving for sure.
do you plan using mylar or other reflective material to save some of the light when going in to the big tent?
yeah the new fire alerts only need a battery replacement every 5 years. got new one last year, in summer it gave false alarm 3 times until I took it off... you cant reach the battery anymore... gotta take the whole unit off... it's then disconnected from their mainstation (via radiosignals) as well (they may notice this...!)
yeah the new fire alerts only need a battery replacement every 5 years. got new one last year, in summer it gave false alarm 3 times until I took it off... you cant reach the battery anymore... gotta take the whole unit off... it's then disconnected from their mainstation (via radiosignals) as well (they may notice this...!)

Wow, big brother is watching your smoke detectors? That sucks.
the greenqube tents are better, dude. wayyyyyyyyyyy sturdier and better zips. i wont buy another budbox

They used to carry one with white reflective inners. LED Qube. Discontinued now. Kind of confusing to discover it didn't have the "sensor" window as advertised. Guess some versions came without. Was way below RRP.

Who else makes durable tents? Zippers seem to be biggest point of failure.
ive just ordered a green qube, the quick qube one loses out on headroom if i remember rightly. .
they are great tents tho.

nice set up you have there, im impressed with the bud size for LEDs
@sethimus i havent tried the pop ups but im 80kg and i can hang off the normal Greenqubes. ive been using the 4x8' for.....4, maybe 5 years? ive lost track but pretty much non stop and theres no sign of them going wrong, the zips are so solid. They are really great tents, man.